

Ask @AKnative123

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If people can read your mind , What would they usually hear!¿ 😛😛

"What should I do?"
"I should do my homework... Nah, I'll do that later" "I should leave my dorm and socialize... Ok no there's too many people I'm staying in my dorm" "where to go?"
"I'm bored"
"Should I friend him/her? Na to scary to ask"
"Do I know him/her?"
"Man I have to take a quiz.."
"I shouldn't have applied for college.. I want to go home"
"I don't want to go home though... I'm stuck here for now"
"Should I visit my friends off campus"
"Are they busy?"
"I should hang out with my relatives... No I'll just stream the Internet instead."
"I want to go store... I'm broke"
"Go store or save my money??"
~ that pretty much explains a lot of what I think lol.😂😅~

Make another bubble blowing video

If you can take my college classes, and buy me a new phone with tons of storage for me then maybe I would. But are you really gonna pay that much for a phone??🤔😶 I don't think so. Maybe on my free days if I can buy gum but college is leaving practically broke😞

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What are you known for in your family/friends? ?

I sound like my brother when he was young. (I'm the female version of him) my sister looks like me. (More like we're clones of (bio mom) our mom when she was young😅 Lol.

What does true friendship mean to you?

No breaking promises, and does anything not to hurt your feelings. When there's a misunderstanding explain it so I can understand it. That's what I think true friendship mean to me🤔😅

Have you ever counted the calories in what you eat?

Ha no. I'm just that boring, more like too lazy too look and count them.

You are at this stage in your life when...?

You say why did I want to be an adult when I was younger?? Now that I'm an adult I wish I was still a kid..🙃

who are you when no one's watching?

A calm, sometimes crying mess hoping someone will notice but I cry and be myself behind closed doors. - I'm either a shut in or introvert, and I'm sometimes an extrovert🤔

What place on earth would you like to live?

Korea and Japan 1 day, I can't wait for the day!! And a couple months in Sweden!

How do you deal with ?

Let them pile up and answer the ones you like, then answer the ones you didn't like for last.

What’s most intriguing about the Cinderella story?

That she killed her step sisters chopped them up and fed their meat to her step mom and the step mom found out, and died of a heart attack... Just kidding but it does have a point since it's almost Halloween😂

¿iPhone o Android?

iPhones.. I used to have a Samsung s5 but I think someone stole it, ever since then I stuck with iPhones

What is the weirdest thing you've heard somebody say?

Stranger - "How old are you??"
Me - 'I'm 19'
Stranger - "YOU'RE 19!?!?!"
Me - 'Yes, how old did you think I was?'
Stranger - "Around my age"
Me - 'How old are you??'
Stranger - "I'm 15"
Me - 'You're 15??!? You look older.. And why would I want to be that young?'
(My friends often tell me I have a baby face in person, so I look younger than my age)

Who's the worst on ur volleyball team

The people who don't go after the ball, or run after the ball😞 They're not there for show..


Language: English