
Another World

Have you heard of SGGG? http://www.hardcoregaming101.net/segagaga/segagaga.htm

My Dreamcast never got the love it should have. I only bought it because it was being discontinued, was on sale ($75 - brand new at Best Buy) and I had a $25 gift cert. I own a few games, pirated some, and ran a couple of EMUs. Maybe I should pull it back out and make it my summer console? To answer your question directly, No, I was not aware of that particular game.

Latest answers from Another World

If you had to choose, would you rather be deaf or blind?

MaekaGaming’s Profile PhotoMaeka
Deaf. I like writing, reading, video games, and beautiful scenery. I feel like I can enjoy all of those without hearing and still die happy.

It's World Gratitude Day! What's something you're grateful for?

Boobs. Yeah. I'd have to say, boobs. You know, idiots that make me look better in any given situation. Hey.... did you think I was talking about something else?

Put your music on shuffle, what are the first 3 songs that come on?

It wouldn't matter, they would all be underground #hiphop.

If you could witness any event of the past, present, or future, what would it be?

The building of the nazca lines.

If you could eliminate any word from the dictionary, meaning no one can ever use it again, what word would you choose?

Wow. That is a tough one. I hate generation words or phrases, like Cray and the misuse of "Creepy" by the younger generation. Then again I still say dope and phat so who am I to talk shit, really. I don't think I could choose a single word to eliminate unless it was a word that only I could use from then on. At which point I would open a business and name it that word.

If you could go anywhere for a vacation, where would you go and why?

MaekaGaming’s Profile PhotoMaeka
An alien paradise planet. Because I want to visit outer space and I want to relax after doing so.

Language: English