Craig P. Donson


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Would Mai be able to perform a Ryback style double shell shocked by lifting both Takako and Kaede?

YuriAmbassador’s Profile PhotoOG-Man
There is no evidence to suggest that this would not be possible. In fact, should the need to ever arise, it may even be expected by her peers, given her experience in keeping Reo in check physically.
Liked by: OG-Man

This is just for fun but which SonoHana couple do you think would be most suitable on say a comedy show?

By this, I assume you mean which couple would be the best to focus on in such a show. The most common pairings for comedic situations are those that are most confrontational, with other characters in the same grade to act as supporting characters.
The main campus and the annex have the largest amount of characters around which an animated series could be built. For the main campus, two most popular choices would be Risa & Miya and Mai & Reo. Risa and Miya would be the more popular choice, allowing for Nanami, Sara, Rikka, and Sayuki to get caught in their conflicts by way of approximation. For Mai and Reo, Kaede and Yuuna would be the supporting characters. Takako, Runa, Rena, Shizuku, and Eris would need to make appearances as well, but given their distance from the main campus at the current point in the canon, their roles could be reduced to somewhat incidental appearances.
For the New Generation, all six current characters can more easily interact with one another, without the distance issues posed by the main campus cast being spread across multiple grades. For this reason alone, they are more likely to be featured in an animated setting. A core cast of six is more manageable to consistently write comedic situations for, but could present fewer options than a cast of 10-15 with soft divisions across four grades. At this time, the two campuses have yet to directly interact with each other outside of Sisterly Guidance http://petalsgarden.axypb.net/trans/newgene/onayami.html but to do so would increase the cast size to 21, which may be very difficult to write a comedy series for.
This is all to say nothing about the three nurse couples in the St. Michael General Hospital, but there is comparatively little information available about them, and I don't believe their scenarios would be as suitable for a comedic series as the students.

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Which SonoHana couple is your favorite?

KaiPercival’s Profile PhotoKai
I am asked this question often, and I always hesitate to provide a definitive answer. The reason for this is twofold: I have not fully explored all couples' stories, which prevents me from giving a fully informed answer, and even if I have, I have not spent equal time on each couple.
This may be an unusual perspective, but my favorite couple is the one whose story I am researching and working with translators on at any given moment. As my understanding of each character and their dynamics with the other characters grows, I appreciate what makes them different from other characters in the series that seem similar due to shared archetypes. Put another way, I have not yet encountered a couple in the series I disliked.
That said, if you still want a traditional answer, I would say my favorite couple would be Kaede and Sara, on the virtue of having discovered the series by way of their second visual novel, Itoshisa no Photograph, and being most familiar with them as a result. However, even this answer is not valid, as based on my reasoning above, my favorite couple is currently Risa and Miya. This answer is subject to change as more translations become available, so if I am asked this question again at a later date, my favorite may have changed. I suspect the same can apply for many fans who rely on translations to comprehend the story and character development. This applies doubly to fans who have taken a liking to characters who do not have any translations of their stories, and I feel that those fans are being done a disservice by not being able to enjoy their favorites at a deeper level.

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Liked by: Kai

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If Mai and Reo and/or Risa and Miya saw Avengers: Age of Ultron, how would they react?

I am not familiar enough with this movie or these characters' viewing habits to provide an answer.

When are we going to get the Sayuki and Rikka miis? Because I tried making them and let me just say this personally. I suck at making miis. So again when are we going to get miis of them?

My early attempts to create Mii characters for Rikka and Sayuki ended with dissatisfaction over the lack of analogous hair colors. I had similar frustrations with the cast of Hanahira, which is why I did not create Mii characters for them either. I find that the process is very difficult until the last steps where the Mii character resembles the original character, and the inability to select, for example, blue hair, makes getting to that stage an ordeal. If you would like, I can still attempt to create Miis based on facial and hair features, but I would still hesitate to call those characters after their namesakes when the resemblance is only partial.

I may be the only one who doesnt think that the first Sono Hana game is badly written, it's one of my favorite entries in the series with one of my favorite couple! What do you think about the writing on the first Sono Hana?

In order to maximize appeal in the amateur visual novel market at the time of its release, the first visual novel has a noticeably high density of sexual content compared to later visual novels. For this reason, the scenario served largely to establish the characters and bridge the otherwise tenuously connected love scenes. That said, it did the former by establishing the trademark humor that the series is known for, largely through the situations centered on Yuuna. I believe that had Fuguriya anticipated greater success with their flagship title, more effort would have been made to better develop the story, so that the frequency of sexual congress would be better balanced with amount of time the story spans, resulting in more favorable perception of the quality of the writing.

If you could would you put the Sono Hana couples on a "Reality TV" show and see how things go?

Drinkie1’s Profile PhotoDrinkie1
I would predict such scenarios that gather many characters into a single location would proceed similarly to the Comiket bonus light novels.
Liked by: OG-Man

Is this St.Micheal school exists for real?

DawidYuukiTrucker’s Profile PhotoPan i Pani
Catholic schools for girls do exist in Japan, as do schools named after Saint Michael. An all-girls Catholic school in New York City named St. Michael Academy operated from 1874 to 2010.

What's going on with Ralen? He's been working at a much slower pace than usual. (Also there's a new White Lily Memorial story if you didn't already know.)

The slow pace of Ralen's work on Maidens of Michael in the last few months was due to personal scheduling conflicts on his part. He has also recently been contracted to another project that will occupy much of his time for the next one to two months. However, he is committed to completing the translation.
Two new White Lily Memorial chapters remain untranslated as of writing, but be advised that they take place after The New Generation and therefore contain spoilers.

If you could restart your entire life, would you do it?

I would not discard my achievements and friendships in this life without a guarantee of a superset of them in the next.

What is the best colour for Lingerie?

Dark, cool colors and colors approaching skin tone, such as red, appear to be popular choices.

This question might seem a little arbitrary, but do you always speak in such a formal manner? Or is it just a personal preference to speak like that online?


Why do you love pantyhose so much?

This was a surprisingly difficult question for me to answer directly. The following is the most comprehensive answer I can provide at the moment, and I will expand on it in the future for those interested.
It is an augment for a natural attraction to female legs. The skin-tight fabric that constitutes tights and pantyhose changes the appearance of the lower body significantly. The complete coverage waist to toe makes for a kind of perfection--a completion--that is not intended with stockings. While much has been discussed about the zettai ryouiki phenomenon, it is directly at odds with my own preferences. Stockings leave the thighs exposed, whereas tights cover the thighs and allow them to enjoy the same benefits as the rest of the leg. In the rare occasion that the waist and hips are exposed as well, the effect is even greater, as the border between the waistband and the exposed upper body can create an effect I would venture is similar to the zettai ryouiki. I am averse to patterns, fishnets, and damage to the fabric, as the perfection is lost with even the smallest aberration in the fabric.
To repeat some information from the two "Apparel For The Petals" posts on Cray's Notes http://axypb.net/apparel-for-the-petals/ http://axypb.net/apparel-petals-part-2/ , the color and denier (thread density) can create a wide range of effects that other garments cannot, all of which heighten the femininity of the curves of the legs--in particular, the color gradient (preferably not beige or "nude" colors), reflectivity, and the ability of the tights to cover imperfections in the skin. Examples include white tights creating an image of purity, opaque black tights showing the wearer as proper and formal, and other colors having all manner of other effects depending on color warmth, none of which are possible to the same extent with bare legs or partial coverings. Needless to say, these effects impact the sexuality of the characters as well; the thighs and hips benefit most by being covered in tights or pantyhose.
All of this being said, it is the feet that are affected greatest by the wearing of tights and pantyhose. While the foot fetish is the most common worldwide, I have a particular fondness for feet in tights, pantyhose, and similar coverings, and do not care for bare feet except in allegorical contexts. All of the above points apply doubly for the feet and convey their own imagery, which is usually stronger than that of the legs. It is uncommon to see characters wear tights or pantyhose without shoes, but these cases are the most ideal in showcasing the above points.
In addition, it is becoming increasingly common for animated works to feature ensembles with at least one character in tights. In animated works, skin-tight coverings of different material can appear to be the same depending on their opacity and how they are depicted to reflect light.

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Pantyhose or thigh highs?

My preference is strictly in tights and pantyhose. Thigh-highs of any kind confer a different image upon the wearer, particularly with the small amount of exposed skin, but it is not one I have a particular affinity for.

you know why the translation of the game SH Maidens of Michael is stopped, if you know why?, when you think that the translation will continue?

The translation is on hiatus as Ralen, the lead translator, is currently in Japan taking language classes. It will resume when he returns next month.

What have you been playing recently?

The most recent games I've played are Geometry Wars 3 and Nuclear Throne, two arena shooter games that have similar controls but contrasting design. Both games are similar in that they are very challenging to the point that the average length of single gameplay sessions are about the same. I feel that where they differ most is in their progression.
Geometry Wars challenges the player by constantly changing the playfield with enemy waves of variable density and speed. Although there is some degree of randomness, the player's abilities change very slowly and the layout of the levels are static. The player can set for themselves a helper drone and a limited super ability before the level begins, and the only upgrades available for firepower change the firing rate and direction. As a result, the player is encouraged to constantly shoot at everything without fear of depleting ammunition or self-destructing and focus on positioning against and dodging enemies with erratic movement patterns that generally do not fire back. There are a number of gameplay formats that engage the player's limited options in a variety of ways (some of which restrict them), which present in order in the Adventure mode and in the Classic modes at the player's demand.
By contrast, Nuclear Throne's procedural generation systems instead have the player character constantly change with many different types of weapons and upgrades, and the challenge comes partly from improvisation with the randomly selected options given to the player in each session. As of this writing, there are 12 characters with unique special abilities, rather than a single ship that depends on combinations of modules to enhance its odds of survival. The levels are linear and have randomly generated layouts and enemy placement. With limited ammo available to the player and enemies with more sophisticated AI, the focus shifts from careful movement to careful planning of attacks. Because most enemies do not have to be near the player to become a threat to them, dodging incoming enemy fire now shares importance with dodging the enemies themselves. As a counterpart to Geometry Wars, there is only a single gameplay mode with the ultimate goal of reaching the ending rather than the high score.

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If you were to write your own Sono Hana fan fiction, what would it be about?

I would like to explore Sara's life experiences before she reunited with Kaede. There are opportunities to explore the state of the modelling industry in the world of A Kiss For The Petals and the lengths she went to cope with her separation from her closest friend in the formative stages of her childhood.
This idea was inspired by an Azumanga Daioh doujinshi by morichan, "Osaka × Osaka" http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=26859929 . During the university entrance exam study sessions, Osaka dreams about her former classmates in her hometown shortly before she joined Yukari's class. An anonymous English translation is available here: http://axypb.net/gallery/index.php?sfpg=b3Nha2FfeF9vc2FrYS8qKjFmM2YwZDU0NmY2MTlmNDY5YWJjZmM1ZmNlNjA5ZjIy&info=1

Where did you get your internet name from?

A decade ago, I was required to select an internet name for registration on a service, the particulars of which I have entirely forgotten. I did not have one before and I had no desire to put effort into one at the time, so I chose a random sequence of five letters (the minimum required for registration at the aforementioned website) and adapted it for all internet activity since.

In Maidens of Michael, did they ever mention how Risa and Miya first met? Or is there more to it and that's why they are making the new one? I recall in Petal's Garden that the new one is Risa and Miya's "first encounter", meaning how they first met.

As the translation for Maidens of Michael is still in progress, this answer is subject to change. Maidens of Michael begins in the autumn months, well after they would have first met. For Old Times' Sake is both free of explicit material and stated to heavily focus on their earliest days together. By contrast, most of the other couples became sexually active shortly after their first meetings.

In Hanahira, are the four main girls in the 1st or 3rd year class? Also, is the story just comedy, not any serious scenes or anything? What's the purpose of that kiss scene between Kaori and Amane?

It isn't made clear which year the cast of Hanahira is in, only that they are in junior high. The entire story is comedic.
The kiss between Kaori and Amane takes place at the end. Kaori had gotten ill and Amane personally nursed her back to health. They reminisced about a childhood promise to get married and affirmed it with a kiss.


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