
Abie Gutierrez

Ask @Abii_Gutiierrez

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How do you find a Girl friend if you are 39 years old.

By socializing with people instead of been asking questions on anonymous

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Do you let negative comments get to you?

I try to not but I’m human and if it comes from someone close to me it’s harder

Are you watch anything on Hulu ?

Yep, I watched Foster Family, I just finished Party of five and Good Trouble, and now I’m watching pretty liars ;)

how many monthly subscriptions do you have?

Lcottrill’s Profile PhotoLauren
Just one, Spotify and cause I have the student discount I get Hulu and Showtime. So three in one 😎

Have you ever knocked a girl like completely out cold in a fight

I have never been in a fight with a girl hahaha


Language: English