

i lose control of myself when im mad. im bad and broken

Relakssss. Tarik nafas, istighfar banyak. Duduk, bersandar, pejam mata dan tarik nafas dalam-dalam. Pergi ambik wudhu' ke apa.
Kalau dah terlajak marah kat orang, bila dah reda tu, cepat-cepat mintak maaf balik. Jumpa one by one face to face, sungguh-sungguh mintak maaf. Tunjukkan usaha kita nak berubah. Mintak doa dari depa.
Peluang tu masih ada. Lek lek, benda masih boleh settle. Allah ada beb, Allah ada.

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i lose control of myself when im mad. im bad and broken

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nah it's okay. tips for you, kalau rasa marah. firstly, tarik nafas dalam2 dulu. kawal cara bernafas then sit down to calm yourself. ingat ni ja, you'll regret nanti in the future kalau tida cool down skrg bcs you never know what you will do bila suda lost control, right? i hope this will help you. (even a litlle bit lol)

Language: English