

Ask @AhmadBakheitMndo

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coffeedragon26504’s Profile PhotoLight
1 - The most amazing things that can happen to a human being will happen to you if you just lower your expectations.
2 - Take a lesson from parakeets: If you’re ever feeling lonely, eat in a front of a mirror.
3 - Never be afraid to reach for the stars because even if you fall, you’ll always be wearing a Parentchute™.
4 - Watch a sunrise at least once a day.
5 - If you love something, set it free. Unless it's a tiger.
6 - When life gives you lemonade, make lemons. Life will be all like, "What?!?!"
7 - Always look people in the eye, even if they're blind. Just say, "I'm looking you in the eye."
8 - Mary someone who looks sexy while dissapointed.
[Claire looking weird at Phil] Phil Dunphy : 'see
1  The most amazing things that can happen to a human being will happen to you

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+1 answer in: “Do you believe in soul mates?”

How am I gonna be optimisti about this ?!

Look, if I hold my soul, nothing gets caught in it. Anyway, we've come a long, long way. Is there anything else? The trees grow, give them buds, their leaves fall and they ask themselves: is there anything else? People love, talk, and die. There will be something else
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Many days fell away with nothing to show..

We live somewhere between life and death, waiting to move on. And in the end, we accept it. We shake hands with the devils and we walk past them
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What did you regret about your life?

It's absolutely untrue to say I have no regrets; I really envy people who can live their lives that way, but I'm simply not one of them. I could pick from a fair number of things in my life, but I won't touch most of them. Most of my mistakes and miscalculations have taught me something valuable and made me a stronger person.


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