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Ask @AhmedAsfand

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Are you saving money right now for something special? What is this special thing?

The experience of first job comes with many realizations.
With it, comes the realization of the importance of hard-earned money. A realization that how many fathers out there work tirelessly without any complaints to provide for their family. A realization that why many families save for the future, for any unforeseen circumstances and future happiness.
A hard earned money is blessing from Allah and how we use this, all depends on us. I can spent lavishly on myself but at what cost? Rather, this blessing belongs to my future family for I had already experienced a good life Alhamdulilah. My future wife and children may need it more than I do.

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Tell anything? 💭

eifatahir44’s Profile PhotoEifa
I was at the grocery store with my family.
I saw this teenager with his parents, he was putting all sorts of snacks in the cart knowing that his parents won't say anything. The parents didn't care either, knowing these little things would make their child happy.
I also saw young parents playing with their four year old child sitting in the baby-seat of the cart. Listening to her, giving what she wanted.
Families, parents are the biggest blessings from Allah. Love them every second of your life because eventually there comes a time when they have to go.
May Allah give our parents health and happiness, Ameen.

It’s Saturday night! Would you rather stay home with the one you love or have a fun party with your best friends?

One Saturday reserved for family, the next for friends and the cycle continues.
Knowing how fragile life is, how temporary moments are, when Allah will recall his slave. I try my best to give time to the loved ones that have been blessed in life.
Count every moment as last so when you wake up to the day they are not in your life anymore, you're not left with any regrets.

Some say summer is the best, some say winter is the best but deep down we all know your ex is happier without you in their life! 😣

his_alter_ego’s Profile PhotoAlter Ego
Nahi yar asai na socho.
You have to accept and make peace with reality that whatever has happened, it happened for a reason. Often these are life lessons and these are needed to prepare us for next chapter in our life. Perhaps you may feel this now but after few years, you'll look back at your past and realize that there was a lesson written for you.
Also think good of whoever came in your life. Even if they shared only a fraction of your lifetime, they were still part your development. Be happy for others and your happiness will find you.

Have you ever felt like you wouldn't survive a certain situation and lived through it?

sameedarshad2’s Profile PhotoSameed
Most of these situations are valuable learning experiences.
Been there and been made a better person of out it, Alhamdulilah. We should always be ready and expect such situations to come any moment but having Tawaqul we should also know that many things take place in our life for a reason.
Learn from the past, implement it in the present and accept what has to come in the future.

Would you rather be rich and ugly or poor and beautiful?

As they say you are not ugly but just poor.
Having luxury of money is like having a genie's lamp. Wishful thinking becomes a reality, wishing to become beautiful is not that difficult for a rich person now is it?
You just need to look at some of the "celebrities" before and after.

What does being brave/strong mean to you?

Bravery and courage is a quality that we should all aspire to learn, especially in the modern-utopia where we are becoming sensitive and soft because we haven't faced the hardships and rather live a passive comfort life.
Bravery to stand for truth, be strong in belief, have self-control and disciple, accept calamities and work towards righteous. That is Sunnah of courage!
May Allah give me and my brothers guidance to become such men, Ameen.

What is the biggest challenge you are facing right now?

Every chapter of life brings new challenges but eventually those challenges transform into blessings and happiness.
For everyone out there facing challenges, remember you've got this far in life with the support of Almighty so keep trying step by step and day by day.
May Almighty continue to support and guide us, Ameen.

What nick name you'd like to give yourself & want people to call you by it?

Yar I've always had difficult time accepting and giving nicknames.
Firstly, out of respect for all the wonderful and beautiful Muslim names my friends have and secondly just a sign of respect to my friends around.
BUT, still got that "bros terminology" between my friends from those excessive "broooos" to "jani".

What makes you so cool?😎

I'm the least cool kid on the block BUT what I do find cool is respecting and listening to elders.
Often we alienate our elders by saying " oh times have changed and you know nothing " but the wisdom and guidance they provide is second to none. Sure, they can never always be right as they are human beings after all but as opposed to the sensitive special snowflake easily triggered and provoked generation we are raising now, our elders carried themselves with unique aura showcasing what it takes to be a strong man and a strong woman. They went through hardships as opposed to large comfort we have today.
May Almighty give our elders happiness and health, Ameen.


Language: English