Are you ready for the Halloween night? March 04, 2021 Why are you thinking about Halloween now? We're 3 months into 2021 and you're already thinking about Halloween. Liked by: Harley Quinn Luke Reese Newman-Silva Adrian Chase Costanza Pellegrino Jaxon Bieber (✔) Kole Oelke McKenna O'Brien Bransten Blundell Lucas Lowenthal kuymike
Why does everyone hate Trump so much? January 28, 2021 Because he’s a dumbass. He doesn’t give a crap about us. All he cares about is money. Liked by: Harley Quinn Luke Reese Newman-Silva Adrian Chase Costanza Pellegrino Legend A. James Jaxon Bieber (✔) Kole Oelke McKenna O'Brien Bransten Blundell Lucas Lowenthal
TRUMPS ABOUT TO WIN IN A LANDSLIDE! CONGRATULATIONS PRESIDENT TRUMP! January 28, 2021 He’s no longer our President. He’s never gonna get re-elected because of his actions. Liked by: Harley Quinn Adrian Chase Legend A. James Jaxon Bieber (✔) Kole Oelke McKenna O'Brien Bransten Blundell Lucas Lowenthal Cole Hedges Jared Padalecki ✔
Hey everyone bigman345123 January 28, 2021 Hi. How are you? Liked by: Adrian Chase Kole Oelke Shane Tennison McKenna O'Brien Bransten Blundell Lucas Lowenthal Cole Hedges Real Jake Gyllenhaal ✔ matilda devries ♡Chloe♡