[ PHOTO POLL ]: In your opinion would it be more appealing for me to post a selfie in a dress or in swimwear? 👗👙 September 07, 2021 In a dress
From 1-10, 10 being the best, rate how good you are at winning games, all kinds of games. Bryce Bailey September 07, 2021 10/10 on Mario Kart
What is a holiday you refuse to celebrate? September 07, 2021 Dude! I never refuse to celebrate any holidays
If you could travel to any place in the world without worrying about cost or anything where would you go? September 07, 2021 I would always wanted to go to Italy ^^
I can tell you my secret. If you're interested, text me. 😎 September 07, 2021 Bruh, I don't even know you