@Alexandrite170691#8 🇩🇿


Ask @Alexandrite170691

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When people take photos of you, are you more prone to pulling a silly face, or do you usually just smile/pose normally

LouisaRHale’s Profile PhotoLou
I used to make silly faces 🤣 my maternal grandmother told us once: stop doing those stupid expressions, you should look beautiful and keep beautiful souvenirs.
I didn't care about what she said at that time until when I saw again some old pictures. I felt so embarrassed 🤣🤣🤣🤣 my grandma was right.
So I stopped doing this, they are not funny at all 😆

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هل فكرت بتشكيل عصابة يوماً ما ؟ اذا كنت ستفعل ماذا ستكون طبيعتها و هدفها و مواصفات اعضائها ؟!

هههههه في صغرنا كنّا نريد تشكيل فرقة قراصنة أنا وأخواي 🤣🤣🤣
هدفنا كان جَوْب المحيطات والبحث عن الكنوز 🤣 تلك الكنوز الكلاسيكية التي كنّا نشاهدها في الرسوم المتحركة القديمة: الكثير من القِطع الذهبية، والأحجار الكريمة الملونة مع التّيجان الكبيرة ههههه.
أعضاؤها هم:
أنا طبعا ههههه القبطانة.
أختي مختصة في الملاحة.
وأخي السّياف.
هل تنضم؟

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حدثوني عن اول ليله دفن فيها فقيدكم؟*.

لم تكن ليلة سوداء أو محزنة كثيرا، ظننتُ أنّني لن أقدر النّوم حينها ولكن لم يحدث هذا. نمنا جميعا.
ربّما بسبب التّعب الكبير الذي عشناه طيلة فترة مرضه.
رحمه الله، ورحم جميع الموتى الطّيبين.

Have you ever accidentally called emergency services or butt dialed them? If so what happened

LouisaRHale’s Profile PhotoLou
no, thankfully that never happened xD haha.
Liked by: Lou

Do you enjoy being in your own company or does it make you uncomfortable?

LouisaRHale’s Profile PhotoLou
I do, to the extreme.
I have always been by myself, doing my stuff, enjoying every moment.
I don't find it difficult to have lunch alone in the city, it's quite normal to me.
I have had a little trip in the capital last month, I did it solo. And it was quite normal, rather full of enjoyment and excitement.
Didn't feel the slightest weirdness. Well, maybe because I am used to it ^^
Liked by: Lou

Anyone's layout changed too? If so do to like it? Feels weirdly spaced to me, not keen haha

LouisaRHale’s Profile PhotoLou
yes it did 🤣 weird one.

لم نتكلم منذ مدة ارسلت له اليوم رسالة فطلع بدون مايرد و لما رجع .. نزع الايكون بتاع اونلاين (يعني هو اونلاين بس محدش يشوفو انو اونلاين) :)) ماذا افعل

tabatabarita’s Profile PhotoSofia batata
لا تفعلي شيئا.
أغلب الظنّ أنّه غير مهتم ولا يريد الحديث.

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Liked by: Sofia batata

ايهما أهم تنفيذ العقاب او إيضاح سبب وجود العقاب ؟!

إيضاح السّبب.
هذا مهمّ لمن عُوقب ولغيره.
يجب أن تتّضح الأمور، فلا شيء يحدث من عدمٍ ودون سبب، وإلّا ستكون فوضى.

I really enjoy reading your answers thx 💐🍀

ow 🙈❤️ that actually made me happy.
Actually, THANK YOU, for taking the time and reading my answers. It means a lot 💘 thanks ♥️

Do you have a group of friends you see regularly, or do you have one or two close friends you see sometimes instead?

LouisaRHale’s Profile PhotoLou
I have one close friend, but we rarely meet even though we live in the same neighborhood 😂
We just didn't find a good time since we both work full time. And when the weekend comes each has her own plans.
Besides, I am solo person. I always prefer and enjoy my solitude.

Which would seem less enjoyable to you? Going to outerspace, or going to the deep abyss?

LouisaRHale’s Profile PhotoLou
I would say the outer space.
Even though, I am so into astrophysics and such, it would be more enjoyable to go deep the ocean. It would be great to see the life that may exist there.

When you read something, do you hear yourself saying it in your head as you read it. Or do you hear nothing? (apparently there's a lot of people who hear absolutely nothing when they read, and others who hear their inner voice reading it out in their head)

LouisaRHale’s Profile PhotoLou
Yes, definitively!
Whenever I read something, I hear it in my head. And when reading novels or something similar, I can hear different voices and tones. Like the narration sounds different than the dialogue, etc.
And I also heard your question when I did read it.
Alsoooooo, I can hear myself when I am now writing this answer as well ^^

هل الذكريات تتأثر بمرور الزمن كان يضاف لها شيء او ينقص منها شيء ؟ما اقدم ذكرى تحتفظ بها بشكل كامل و واقعي و مطابق لاحداثها ؟!

نعم أكيد. أحيانا تتذكّر مع شخص آخر نفس الحادثة ولكن قد تختلفا في بعض التّفاصيل.
أحيانا أيضا تتذكّر أمرا ولكن تنسى كيف حدث بالضّبطأو مع من كنت عندما حدث.
من بين أقدم ذكرياتي هههههه صراحة هذه الذكرى تضحكني وتُغضبني في نفس الوقت. كنتُ عند بيت جدّاي في مدينة أخرى، وفي تلك العشيّة تخاصمتُ مع خالتي وجدّتي 😂 فخرجتُ من المنزل بغضب شديد هههههه ولكن رغم أنّني أغلقتُ الباب بقوة، لم ينتبها لخروجي.
ذهبتُ لمنزل صديقتي وظللنا نلعب حتّى المساء أين جاءت ابنة عمّ والدتي تسأل عنّي في منزل الصديقة هههههههه وطلبت مني العودة لأنّ خالتي وجدّتي كانا يبحثان عنّي كلّ تلك السّاعات.
المضحك في الأمر أنّهمالما عرفا عدم وجودي في المنزل، أصيبا بالهلع 😂 وخرجت جدّتي تبحث. سألت في البداية جارة لنا إن رأتني فأجابت أنّها لم تفعل ههههههه. وهناك زاد هلعها 😂 فذهبت عند منزل عمّ والدتي وإلى متجر خالي 😂 وبدأ الجميع في البحث والقلق 😂 ولكنّ خالي أخبرها أنّي قد أكون في منزل صديقتي، ولكن جدّتي نفت ذلك لأنّ جارتي لم ترني 😂😂😂😂
واستمّر بحثهم، لدرجة أنّها ذهبت لمحطة الحافلات ظنًّا منها أنّي قد أكون عدت لقسنطينة وحدي 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 تبّا.
بقوا على تلك الحال حتّى وفجأة، قرّروا أن يفعلوا ما كان يجب أن يُفعل في البداية، وهو السؤال عنِّي في منزل صديقتي الذي يبعد خطوة عن البيت 😂😂😂
أذكر أنّها وخالتي عاقبتاني بشدّة كبيرة. أتّفهم قلقهما ولكن ليس عذرًا للقسوة تلك.
أعترف أنّني أخطأت بخروجي دون أن أخبرهما، ولكنّهما أخطآ كذلك بتسرّعهما وقلّة انتباههما.
أوّل شيء كان يجب عليها أن تفعله هو البحث عند صديقتي، إجابة الجارة لم يُجدر لها أن تكون مُطْلقة وعلى أساسها تُبنى الأفعال.

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هل تخيلت نفسك كيف ستعيش اذا لم تكن ترى .. ما اكثر ما يزعجك في فكرة فقدان البصر ؟! چيري ساينفيلد قال باحد " نكاته " انه لن يتمكن من معرفة ما بطعامه ان كان به حشرات او غيره .

آه نعم. كم من مرّة تخيلتُ هذا، خاصّة في طفولتي.
ما يزعجني أكثر هو كلّ شيء سيحدث لي إذا فقدتُ القدرة على الرؤية. سأُصاب بكآبة لعدم قدرتي على رؤية الألوان والأشكال، على رؤية المناطق والاستمتاع بها، على حاجتي في المساعدة للقيام ببعض الأمور، كلّ شيء.
فقدان البصر، صعب جدّا جدّا. ليس بالأمر السّهل تقبّله أو تحمله أوالتّعايش معه.

What wad a strange experience you had once? (e.g. Can be a strange experience with a person, a paranormal experience, a premonition, a ufo sighting, a weird coincidence Etc Etc)

LouisaRHale’s Profile PhotoLou
The first one happened back in 2004. We were at my (maternal) grandparents house, and I was asked to bring some stuff from a separate room. It was at night, the room was dark. I opened the door and entered. Suddenly I felt someone came after me, I sensed a presence and was hearing footsteps.
I even turned back and followed with my eyes, the direction of these footsteps. It was like I was following someone, but nobody was there 😨.
The steps continued their path until the end of the room where there was a big bookcase, and I heard like someone was playing with the glass cups that were there 😱 .
Oh my God, it was seriously terrifying. Especially at that time I used to believe in ghosts and other paranormal stuff.
The second was the out-of-body experience I told you about in a previous answer.
The third one was back in 2019. Don't remember which month exactly but was between March and June.
I was sleeping on the floor, next to our closet. And suddenly I have heard someone opening it and searching for something. I instantly knew it was just hallucination.
But after this incident, of an hour or two, it happened again. I opened my eyes, and saw my sister sleeping(since we share the room), and felt someone was there, looking for something. I felt their presence.
In the morning I asked my brother if it was him. I know there is nothing he would need from our closet, but who knows, maybe he wanted something after all. But no, it wasn't him.
I asked my sister, even though I knew she was sleeping at that time, but who knows? No, it wasn't her.
It couldn't be my mom, since she wasn't home that day.
And was not my father either.
Trust me Louisa, I was sure I was awake and was clearly hearing the voices, and feeling someone was next to my head searching in our things.
Maybe should I have looked, or maybe not 😆
The last ones also happened in 2019.
It was first on June 16. Maybe it was a sleep paralysis.
I was in a state between "slept" and "awake", suddenly appeared a female monster (in my dream) who did hit my face with her hair 😰 I screamed the hell out of me,but it was inside 😐 I knew it was something normal, considering the state I was in, I wasn't terrified, but was scared of sleeping again. I mean, I didn't want it to happen again.
Surprisingly, the same incident occurred on July 17, and surprisingly again, it happened on August 18🤨🤨🤨🤨 But the last one was lighter, I opened my eyes the exact moment it was going to happen. The stupid monster din't get me haha 😏 you know what's funny? I was expecting it to happen again September 19 🤣
Seriously these kinds of experiences are not fun. I don't care if they are really paranormal, spiritual or it's just our brain that is making this, I hope it will never happen again in the lifespan that remains.

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