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A man in NYC is suing women for defamation of character for posting about him on a Facebook group. When does gossip become defamation? https://us.yahoo.com/news/subject-dating-same-guy-posts-203627179.html

Neo_gs’s Profile PhotoNeo
Sharing personal experiences you’ve had with another person isn’t gossip if it actually happened to the person sharing the experiences imo 🤷‍♀️ and when numerous people have had the same or similar negative experiences with the same person, that seems pretty unlikely that it’s just gossip imo 🤷‍♀️ and it’s usually the ones who aren’t actually truly being defamed that throw a public hissy fit imo 🤷‍♀️
Moreover, if people can post reviews about restaurants and other businesses why can’t we post reviews about people too? As long as it’s not clearly just shitposting or revenge posting, who cares? Could help you find your perfect match for all you know lmao.

What is something you have a hard time asking for? 🤔💭❓😬😓👥

Attention/support on a personal level. I’ve gotten a lot better about asking for help or support with like work or stuff around the house but on a personal level if I just need someone to talk to and I’m really struggling I have a really hard time saying that. I’ll go as far as asking if someone is available to hang out and if they’re not I just pretend like that’s fine and I’m not totally dying because they’re the only person I feel comfortable enough to rely on in the few instances where I will admit to needing a shoulder to lean on.

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When was the last time you looked in the bathroom mirror and yelled “ Who let a d*mn zombie in the house?”

Neo_gs’s Profile PhotoNeo
This morning tbh. I haven’t been sleeping well and I think this morning was the first time in well over a week that I slept fairly well, but I walked into the bathroom and had the darkest circles under my eyes. I swear those SOBs take forever to catch up. Like god forbid they show up when I’m actually not sleeping well, no no, they show up when I start catching up on my sleep hahah

Hypothetically speaking, if we lived multiple lives (like past lives and such) who in this life would you like to take with you into the next life and cross paths with and why?☺️ 👫👭👬🤝

At this point in time, just my mom, both my grandfathers, and my mothers oldest aunt.
My mom because she’s my biggest supporter and closest friend and the one person I know I can rely on for anything no matter what. She’s my favorite person.
My mom’s dad because he’s one of the purest souls I’ve ever met and a genuinely good human who loved me more than anything and I regret not giving him more of my time and my love.
My dad’s dad because I think he would be a good one and I’d like to know him in different lives since he passed when I was still young.
My moms aunt because she was genuinely one of the best people I ever knew and I think the world deserves more of her throughout different lives.
Liked by: Lex Talionis

Imagine you are single, unattached. A former lover is passing through town and hinted at having “fun” over the weekend. Is there an ex you would agree to such a thing (not get back together, just a couple days)?

Neo_gs’s Profile PhotoNeo
Not at this time. None of my actual legit exes I have any interest in, and the one ex fwb I would be super down to have some fun with would go against my personal boundaries so, no lol.
Liked by: Lex Talionis Neo

Do you have everything you need? Do you have everything you (realistically) want? Why or why not?

Neo_gs’s Profile PhotoNeo
I think I’ve got everything I need, realistically. But I don’t have everything I want. Even realistically lol. I want a house of my own. I want a partner. I want a dog. I want a better paying job. I want a larger circle of close friends and/or a better social life. I want to be happier in general without overthinking everything and over analyzing everything. I don’t have a one size fits all answer to the why/why not but generally it all falls back under the happiness/overall contentedness I feel or want to feel.

How much of your job (or last job) involved answering questions (from internal and external sources)?

Neo_gs’s Profile PhotoNeo
My current job is entirely around answering questions tbh. If more people were self reliant I would literally be out of a job haha
Liked by: Lex Talionis Neo

Alas! You've been gifted a chance to see your own future this year... (That's SO Raven!)... What do you think your prediction will entail? 🔮✨🤪

I sure hope it shows a happy relationship with this guy I’ve been spending all my time with. Or maybe just some clarity on what we are/could be and what we both want, but in my own head and my own expectations.

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Have you ever ghosted a dating interest? Why? Been ghosted? How did you accept it?

Neo_gs’s Profile PhotoNeo
Yes and yes. One of them I just ghosted recently. We matched on the bumble speed dating feature and he was like hardcore going at all the important questions right away. We seemed to mostly agree but my gut just wasn’t feeling it. He asked me out, I just never replied 😅 I don’t make that a habit tbh but this one I just wasn’t feeling and then it turned into too long of a wait time to respond and then he ultimately ended up just unmatching me anyway so I couldn’t reply even if I wanted to. That was before we ever met though.
There was another I guess I technically ghosted a few years back but tbh he ghosted me too??? We’d gone on like 4 or 5 dates I think and then I had a week long trip to NYC with my mom and I told him I had that coming up so I’d be out of town. He told me to have fun or something I don’t remember and then I never heard from him again.
And lastly I was ghosted by a fwb literally mid conversation. The second time lol. First time he basically told me he was gonna ghost and then actually did for around a year. So that was neato! First time I was low key absolutely gutted and heartbroken bc I didn’t know we were just fwb and it took me way way way too long to get over it. Second time I immediately downloaded dating apps and met my ex shortly (ish) thereafter.

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Liked by: Neo

Do you know someone that doesn't ever show up on time? Are you that person or are you fairly punctual? ⌚👀⏳😬😝

Do you know someone that doesnt ever show up on time Are you that person or are

Have you ever put in a resignation for a job? How long did you work there? How did it feel to move on? What was your reason for leaving? 👋😊💼

I have! My old job was a temporary on call filler job to basically get me a paycheck and basic work experience until I found an actual career. I worked it for ~3 years I think? I just emailed HR saying I was resigning and gave my 2 weeks, nothing crazy. It was mildly stressful to resign but more so because I felt anxious about how to say it and even what or when to say etc. Low key I’m looking forward to resigning from my current job now tbh but I just need a better paying one to replace it haha once I get that better pay I’m outtie!

How low will you keep your phone battery until you feel the urge to charge it?🔋🔌 How bout filling the gas tank of your car? 🚗⛽🤔

I usually let them both get probably too close to dead dead lol. I’ve gotten worse with my car too in the last couple years. I think the lowest my car has gotten was a range of 8 miles?? This past weekend I was driving home from visiting my bf (he lives about 7 hours away) and I was stuck in mid city rush hour freeway traffic with a 45 minute drive to the gas station I wanted and an ever shortening range that was expected to be ~16 miles by the time I ended up at the gas station lol. And my phone, at least now that Ive got a newish one with a good battery I charge it maybe one time per day at most (usually) so whatever it’s at at the end of the day is what it’s at and it typically isn’t too low unless I’m really really actively on my phone a lot throughout a single day.

If you're working, how many days of annual leave/paid off days do you have?

n11shake’s Profile PhotoShake
Outside of weekends, I get:
- 2 contract days (basically free paid days off for things you can’t do outside of work hours)
- 3 days of emergency (non medical) paid leave
- 8 unpaid Fridays in summer
- approximately 2 weeks of paid vacation leave
- I’m not entirely sure how much sick leave annually but I’m still sitting at 2 weeks right now and I’ve taken about a week of sick leave over the last year. This is also paid leave!
Sick and vacation both build up a little faster the longer you’ve been there though which is nice! The only one that doesn’t cap is sick leave though. Vacation caps at about a month so if you’re reaching that then you have to take some PTO or lose those extra hours.

If I came to tour residence at suppertime, what’s the best meal you could prepare with only the food you have on hand? (No trip to the grocery store)

Neo_gs’s Profile PhotoNeo
My home is utterly bare when it comes to food right now, so probably a simple plate of pasta with like a homemade ragu tbh.
Liked by: Neo

What do you do to keep white shoes... white? 👟

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Not wear them? 😂 jk, probably just avoid wearing them when I know it’s going to rain or has just recently rained, or if I know I’m going somewhere dirty/muddy etc. I also watch where I’m stepping when I have white shoes lol

How many layers of blankets etc. do you usually sleep with? Does the seasons play a role in that? 😴🛏👕

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Before I moved I’d usually sleep with maybe 1-2 in summer depending on how hot it was and 2-3 in winter. Since moving I typically sleep with 2, maybe 3 if I’m really really cold

What position do you usually sleep in? 😴

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Typically on my side, sometimes on my stomach, sometimes on my back. The past 2 nights have strictly been on my back because gravity is no fun when you have wounds all over your abdomen and an entire organ missing 😂

When was a time you were dissatisfied with the service you got? 😡

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Basically every public service in the town I live in currently has the worst service I’ve ever encountered in my life. The post office, the DMV, my rental company, all horrific.
Liked by: Tobbe

What was the last thing you made? Can be anything really 🔨🖌📃 If you feel like showing it off, don't hesitate to post a picture 📸

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I made like a neat little collage wall with postcards from places I’ve been and drawings I’ve done in the past. Not sure if this will show the whole pic but hopefully!
What was the last thing you made Can be anything really  If you feel like

Felt like checking up on everyone I follow so, how are you doing? Anything special you've been up to recently? 😄

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Currently recovering from a gallbladder removal on Monday and I am on the struggle bus! I’m impatient to be back to normal already lmao. I also leave for my trip this weekend so really desperately wanting to be better enough to not be noticeably uncomfortable for most of the travel time at least lol
Liked by: Tobbe


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