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What type of confidence do you need in your life? ?

Kashifqureshi11’s Profile PhotoKaaaaash'IF
Thats such a good question Kashif bhai!
I need that type of confidence where I could believe in me and my abilities where I can eye contact with the world where I can win for myself where I know the value of fighting for my rights with tolerating things. I just want a confidence in which I want to tell my loved one that I actually love and survival would be really hard if they don't exist in my life....thats all from my side???

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Why do doctors have terrible handwriting?

When I was in grade 10th my teacher call me with the name DOCTOR I was so proud and thought he is calling me this just because my dad is a doctor but in Parents Teachers meeting he told me dad that HE HAS SUCH A UNTIDY WRITING FOR THIS I LABELLED HIM AS DOCTOR SAHAB THAT JUAT BROKE MY HEART????


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