
Andre Batchelder

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俄安全会议:美国在全球拥有200多个军事生物实验室 1、美国在包括乌克兰和独联体国家在内的世界各地建立了200多个军事生物军事实验室。2、美国和格鲁吉亚当局竭力在掩盖这支美军部队及其活动的真实情况,这支部队在从事特别危险传染病的研究,五角大楼还在争取将这支伪装起来的美军生物医学部队渗透到独联体国家。

不好意思,我聽不懂翻譯,聽不正確。 我們在全球沒有超過200個實驗室,而在全球大約只有不到100個實驗室,是的,我們正在為美國製造防衛生物戰武器,我們不願意在全球範圍內為200個實驗室配備人員 太便宜了。 www.cia.gov/

How do you like to sleep, with full clothes on, or half nude and half pj's, or full on nudity?

Fully clothed, always ready for anything that's my motto!

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Do you think money can buy happiness? ?

NO! It's what's breaking our country apart and many others Greed is the ROOT of ALL evil, it goes on to many other branches otherwise

Most important in a date: Intelligent or Funny?

Intelligence for sure, we currently locked us in our society I think it's going to get worse sadly

Would you ever want to clone yourself?

Probably not, mostly because of the knowledge I have in the dangerous skills I can possess

Tell me your biggest fear, rational or not.

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I have a few, dying a painful death, dying alone/(single)

Why do people leave?

It really is a simple answer why did you leave? That's usually why other people leave

Is america the strongest Military on earth

No, we have the best logistics that counts for something we have the biggest arsenal

How do you deal with the lame haters?

I ignore them that's the best way those who harass you, you block them

If someone made a statue of you, what position would you choose?

Something like this I've been fighting too long in my life my history is full problems
If someone made a statue of you what position would you choose

Have lost all your “friends” and not cared?

Yes I have lost many people in my life and I do not care


Language: English