I hate my self I feel ugly 😭 me odio me siento fea 😭 La Queen G April 12, 2023 I’m sorry you feel that way at times I feel stupid
Have you ever been interested in an older person? NickGerzz April 12, 2023 I am interested in someone who is three years older then me, is that bad?
Do you read the Bible and feel bored when you're reading it April 12, 2023 I get bored because I don’t really understand
Why do some girls say they want to get pregnant at such a young age? April 12, 2023 That’s just what gets me + 1 💬 messageread all
Any other teen girls obsessed with pregnancy? April 12, 2023 I am OBSESSED with pregnancy I want a child so bad and I am 16 years old + 1 💬 messageread all