

Latest answers from Tony

What do you do if a baby cries all night and does not let you sleep?

The baby doesn't let me sleep, I'd go and make sure the baby it's fine. We were all a baby

Money or love?

Absolutely Love , now we have to be realistic and this is my favourite Saying .
If money doesn't come in through the door, love comes out by the window.
It’s the true

¿En qué se diferencia tu familia de las demás?

Que siempre te apoyan en lo bueno y en lo malo. No te lo echan cara cuando haces las cosas malas

What do you like?

In general .... I love swimming , play games not always, travel ..., know new culture , try new experiences and adventures

If you had to spend £10,000 today, how would you spend it?

eigerphantx’s Profile PhotoKim
First I’ll pay my parent’s house then when they are free I will travel serous the world , Canada , Australia , Paris ,USA , Colombia ,bora bora . Obviously the holidays will be 1 year at least, after that ! Save some money in case something happens

Language: English