
Ashley Benson ✔

How do u know selena gomez?

I met Selena because of Justin first of everything and we became really good friends since it but we get close after work with her in Spring Breakers and now she's my baby. One of my best friends. Just the most funny part of my life. (:
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Latest answers from Ashley Benson ✔

HIIIIIII Carrie and Juliet (twin sisters) we love u soo much. ❤️

twins are so cool. I mean, Hi girls! love you both (:

Hey Ashley you're so funny at PLL . I Love you so much! Can't wait untill you come back. I Wish you will answer my question love yaa

Oh, thank you (: I love myself so much... I mean, I love Hanna so much, hahaha! I'm excited for season five, be ready ! love ya.

Hey Ashley! Who do you ship most? Hannily or Haleb?

oh. God. I just... umm. u know. I love Caleb Rivers that much and Im sure Hanna too. (:

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