What do you do, or think about, when you feel like giving up?

I would ask "what should I do?!" to almost all my friends wkwkwkwk
Then cry until I laugh because of how silly am I. But if it's about love, i give up. No matter i try no matter how hard i am to stay. In the end, we are just a friend.
Karena tujuan pacaran, bisa karena putus bisa karena menikah. Iam done, i lov being single 🌹
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What do you do, or think about, when you feel like giving up?

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think about the purpose of your task or goal. think about the stakes involved. think about people that believe in you
When I feel giving up, I give up, but only for maybe a day or two. I would just do my Favourite things like listening to music and sleep. (wouldn't recommend eating a lot because I know most people want to keep fit) Things like those will help me relax my mind and then after those days I try again, somehow like a refresh button. (ㅅ ㅡ ㅅ)/

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