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what number was the stars that you were a counter every other dc

LOL idk
im not even sure that happened
i don't remember the events of most stars i've played though. even the one i won

After you're finished with Suitmans can you host season 9?

ehh i swear i want to but it's looking unlikely at this point
i start work in august and it's pretty likely that this is my last extensive summer vacation ever. whenever i'm not hosting, i REALLY want to host and i miss the excitement of hosting. but i know that as soon as i start planning/hosting, it's a massive time-suck. i kind of just want to enjoy the rest of my summer without any stress, idk

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do you think you're gonna win suitmans

i just saw this after winning
if i had answered this yesterday though, it would have been a resounding NO

What sites do you go on to discuss non-Survivor shows, such as House of Cards, Gilmore Girls, or whatever else you may watch?

reddit :( i am problematic

Would you sacrifice Kimmi as the first boot if it meant Kelly Wiglesworth would go on to win S31 and have the best multi-season story arc in Survivor history?

well it depends what placement kimmi would have gotten otherwise. like if she would have been 2nd or 3rd boot anyway, then probably yes. otherwise i doubt i would do that.

What is your process in deciding who returns for another season?

there isn't really a process. i developed the structure for all-stars first (5 tribes of 5, with each tribe having 1 representative from each of the previous 5 seasons) and then cast based on that. it was pretty easy once you have that quota in mind.

If you could choose a different time period and place to be born, when and where would it be?

i mean i wouldn't change if i didn't have to. as much as society sucks we've progressed a fuckton. even if i went back 10 years there'd be so much stigma against gay people, for example. and then anything further back would mean a fuckton of racism assuming i can't change my skin color.

name your favorite straight white male on survivor

there's so many bad ones omg
for some reason s2 skupin comes to mind. s25 skupin sucks though.
oh and JFP/burton too

Have you ever got into trouble with the police?

well like i've gotten a ticket before but that's it

Favorite fruit?

uhhhhhh probably banana. or grapes.
vegetables > fruits though
i have like 10 different favorite vegetables

Whose group game would you refuse to promote?

i mean it's not like i go around promo'ing group games anyway. i guess the one that sticks out is ohnatalie's survivor. that wasn't really a good experience and i don't think she's the best host but we've already had it out with each other and i'm not interested in reliving the past. most games i've played in are good though. that's probably because i don't play shitty one-off games by people who randomly feel like hosting a group game for a season and then flop after a season. i will never apply to season 1 of anything ever

Do you have any tips on unscrambling challenges in group games

LOL. if this is about pyramid at f4 in suitmans, then i have NO idea how i got it that fast. i'm usually fucking awful at unscrambling challenges.
basically for the username unscrambles, i just went to suitman's cast list and ctrl-f'd the most uncommon letter in the username scramble. so like one of the scrambled usernames was survivorofthetocans and i just searched for the letter "v" and went through the list until i found it. ofc that's not applicable for word unscrambles so idk. if you need to unscramble a single english word, then they have a ton of websites that does that for you.
the worst is when it's a phrase you have to unscramble without any spaces. that shit takes me forever

Do you think you made the right cast for all-stars?

yep, i'm happy with it. i still can't believe i did a 25-person survivor LOL that is way too many in hindsight. but i'm glad i was able to include a ton of fun people

Summarize your weekend?

like...last weekend? i came home from college graduation on may 28th and i pretty much spent the entire weekend sleeping

Would you agree that SJDS has the best editing of any post-HvV season?

need to rewatch s25 though cuz i remember that being really good. i'm pretty sure i like SJDS overall more though just cuz i like the endgamers more as characters. and nat <3333
but i think s25 might have better editing. not 100% sure. i might just be overestimating it because of how good it was compared to the shitfests that came before and after it

Why was Amber cast on All Stars?

to fill the attractive young female fodder archetype i guess
thank god she was cast though <3333333333333

What was the new hosting style you used in Scorched Earth about? I never noticed anything different.

thanks bitch
and LOL yeah there wasn't anything different really. i think i just said that to get apps. i guess i was more organized and i was very consistent about updating the wiki. whereas i will probably never even finish the wiki for some of the pre-scorched earth seasons

i got so excited when i saw you posting in your group but then i saw you guest hosting for BRADY. i actually thought you were starting season 9 lol

LOL. i was guest hosting for survivor8! brady just happens to be a cohost
and season 9 will probably happen soon tbh. i'm in like 3 games right now so once i'm done with those

Who are some of your favorite male survivor characters?

there's a ton from the early seasons and a few from the newer ones as well although modern-era survivor male editing is atrocious. a disproportionate amount of my male faves are black
gervase, sean rector, john carroll, jeremy collins, yau-man, earl, dreamz, hatch, skupin (s2 only), JFP, burton, boston rob in everything but RI, ozzy in CI, james clement. possibly mike from worlds apart but i need to think about it, his edit was ridiculously bloated.
so yeah i have a ton of male faves, it just seems like i hate on all the men only because the post-HvV male editing is so fucking awful


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