
If you could choose a different time period and place to be born, when and where would it be?

i mean i wouldn't change if i didn't have to. as much as society sucks we've progressed a fuckton. even if i went back 10 years there'd be so much stigma against gay people, for example. and then anything further back would mean a fuckton of racism assuming i can't change my skin color.

Latest answers from Obscurity

what number was the stars that you were a counter every other dc

LOL idk
im not even sure that happened
i don't remember the events of most stars i've played though. even the one i won

After you're finished with Suitmans can you host season 9?

ehh i swear i want to but it's looking unlikely at this point
i start work in august and it's pretty likely that this is my last extensive summer vacation ever. whenever i'm not hosting, i REALLY want to host and i miss the excitement of hosting. but i know that as soon as i start planning/hosting, it's a massive time-suck. i kind of just want to enjoy the rest of my summer without any stress, idk

do you think you're gonna win suitmans

i just saw this after winning
if i had answered this yesterday though, it would have been a resounding NO

What sites do you go on to discuss non-Survivor shows, such as House of Cards, Gilmore Girls, or whatever else you may watch?

reddit :( i am problematic

Would you sacrifice Kimmi as the first boot if it meant Kelly Wiglesworth would go on to win S31 and have the best multi-season story arc in Survivor history?

well it depends what placement kimmi would have gotten otherwise. like if she would have been 2nd or 3rd boot anyway, then probably yes. otherwise i doubt i would do that.

What is your process in deciding who returns for another season?

there isn't really a process. i developed the structure for all-stars first (5 tribes of 5, with each tribe having 1 representative from each of the previous 5 seasons) and then cast based on that. it was pretty easy once you have that quota in mind.

name your favorite straight white male on survivor

there's so many bad ones omg
for some reason s2 skupin comes to mind. s25 skupin sucks though.
oh and JFP/burton too

Have you ever got into trouble with the police?

well like i've gotten a ticket before but that's it

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