
Rebekah McDonald

Ask @Bekkkky

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tbh- aw love you and miss you bek! you're such an amazing person with such a great personality, you're so gorgeous and also the best tennis player I know hehe! we have so many fun times together and I miss seeing you as often cause you are super fun to be around xxxx

Bella Jade
awwww love you so so much Bella! we need to catch up sometime xxx

I actually laughed at your joke :') HAHAHA it's actually so funny :') omfg.

HAHAHAA oh my yes I don't even know how I found it but I almost died of laughter ! xx

para on lana x

Lana is actually my favourite. She is the most beautiful girl inside and out. We have become so so much closer this week and i am so glad. She knows exactly how to make anyone smile. She has the best personality and such a great body holy moly. She is the most random and craziest/funniest girl ever. I love her to death would do anything for her! One of my best friends. She has been through alot today and we both had our little dnm and cried hahaha. Love you so much Lana xxx

ha people are so stupid, picking on a beautiful girl like bek, shes not desperate at all, fark off anon and go get a life, your obviously jealous cause shes with a guy and your not lol, love you bek xx

Grace Williams
aww thank you so much lovely! love you x
Liked by: Grace Williams

someones got a jealous stalker haahha, leave bek alone you pathetic anon.. always here for you babe xxx

hahaha love you x

people in this year level are so fucking pathetic and stupid, are you bek? no. so go worry about your own fucking life instead of fixating on beks you low life are you jealous or something?.

Monique Abela
love you heaps xxx
Liked by: Monique Abela

lool leave her alone, she isn't desperate at all so shut up. Just leave them alone. and piss off any guy would be lucky to have her! also i find it funny how you were so focused on the both of them today ahahhahahahaha. i love you rebekah xxxxxx

Awwwww love you so much Alana xxxxxxxxx

omg your actually so pathetic following around styles! I found it hilarious how you were trying to talk to him but he look bored to death HAHA. I could smell the desperation radiating of your body. hello honey he doesn't like you! He probs feels sorry for you ha. get a life babe he doesn't want you

Its actually Stylz***** and dude get over yourself. This actually made me laugh so hard. You tell me to a life "babe" your the one sending me hate. I appreciate it how you took time out of your day to think of me :') thats so lovely. Get your facts right next you wanna send me hate xx


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