
Benjamin Nicholas

In your experience, what would you say is the most overrated gay community? The most underrated?

Overrated? Fire Island. It's one of the most cliquishly inclusive, image-discriminatory places I've had the misfortune of experiencing. While I loved having access to a quiet house where I could close the door, having to do simple things like grocery shop or go to the gym was a pain in the ass.
Underrated: Rehoboth Beach. It's got a very welcoming vibe, is all-ages friendly and doesn't play the constant one-upmanship game that Fire Island does. It's just relaxed and feels quite a bit like Key West before the onslaught of middle-America cruise ship tourists.

Latest answers from Benjamin Nicholas

Who is the next Benjamin Nicholas and where is he?

Zero clue.
The business has changed and now it's OnlyFans guys who are doing 'private' meetings.
The old school well-cultured escort is a thing of the past. The client base is still there, but the guys coming into this don't have the background, intellect or common sense to become the next anything.
You can buy an OnlyFans guy for a private meet, sure, but what he can't do is blend in well with different groups, talk about a wide variety of subjects and understand how not to embarass you when you're together in public.
The guys I see don't want someone to train... They want a gentleman who has his shit together, in and out of the bedroom.

How often do strangers recognize you in public?

Occasionally, but I'm not entirely sure to be honest.
I've had several guys approach me in public places and it's always come across as way too forward.
There's a time and place for everything.

Truth or Dare — Do you tell the truth or take the dare?

If you're playing the game right, truth can be a lot tougher than taking the dare.

Did you watch the solar eclipse anywhere in the path of totality here in San Antonio?

I was in Montreal for the viewing.
They were in the full path and the weather was perfect.

Do you ever get nervous meeting someone new, either a client or someone for fun? How do you get over the nerves?

Traditionally nervous, no.
I worry more about socially connecting with someone. Sex is the easy part.
I cannot deal with willfully stupid people at this point in my life. It's the ultimate dealbreaker.
He can be the best looking guy in the room who wants to go back to his place and get fucked, but if he's ignorant or just offers zero conversational skills, I'd rather go home alone and jerk off.

Not that it's your job to educate an old man just discovering his sexuality, but can you tell me what the lock and/or chain around your neck mean? Merely decorative or like a modern hanky code?

For show.
I like the weight of it around my neck when I'm fucking and also the thrill of losing the key someday and asking an old guy working at a TruValue if he's got bolt cutters behind the counter.

Language: English