

Ask @Boruuka

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Lets discuss the elephant in the room here, the real question on everybody's minds. MW3 or Battlefield 3?

HAHAHAHA he plays video games what a nerd!

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No really what are you doing?

Sitting on my bed playing with ochinchin. (Translator's note: ochinchin is the child's word for penis.)

What are you doing?

Big brother, you're the best, especially when you touch my breast.
I like the way that you touch me, your chinchin makes me kimochii.
Just put your dick into my mouth, I'll make it go in and out.
When you're fucking me from behind, I must admit that I will whine.
When you make me stifle a moan, my hips will be moving on their own.
When you cum all over my face, soon right after I'll feel your loving embrace.
This love, that I do feel, just for your cock inside my rear.

Hello I would like to report an old woman she went on my account and had to report her please

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Language: English