You gotta fight for what you want. August 20, 2013 Something's aren't worth fighting for. Liked by: spennyspenc GabrielEmilianoAchavalRodriguez NahlaWasHere laurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii kam4558 lleouh زین العابدین سمااا هشام Waleed Al Adas NCO_Ahmed.M.Gad
How many days a week do you workout? August 20, 2013 10! Liked by: زین العابدین سمااا هشام Waleed Al Adas Maria Carvajal❤
How many girls have you kissed? August 20, 2013 Does my mom count? Liked by: سمااا هشام Waleed Al Adas
If you call me bud one more time shit will go down. August 20, 2013 I haven't said it in two days be proud. Liked by: Waleed Al Adas
why do you love Madison so much? like why are you so obsessed with her? August 20, 2013 Who's Madison? Liked by: Waleed Al Adas
I used to like you in the 3r grade. You're the one that got away for me July 20, 2013 no one liked me in elementary school....