
Bryan J. Applegate

Ask @BryanJamesApplegate

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Has anyone ever given you a hard time when you were going through a rough patch and made you feel worse by putting you down in front of others through their actions (actions such as laughing at you, mocking you, whispering about you, etc.)?

No, but they made me worse by ignoring me when I do reach out!

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Newsflash. You can forgive somebody yet not want them in your life. I forgive you. I won’t discuss our business but I don’t want you back.

Um, same here. Just for clarification, who is this?

You tried messaging me on Facebook. Or was that a fake account. If you want to talk. Message me again

I don't know or remember which account you had. Sorry.

You asked me to leave you alone and I did you asked me to forget about you I did you told me that you happy and I said good for you so why I've been getting attack from you any explanation?

super secret
I never did any of that?

I love it😂 you destroyed our love, and haven’t found love even though it’s been many years. I hope you never find love again. You do not deserve it because you’re wicked

Um, the heck you're referring to?


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