
Daniel Burt

Ask @Burtle95

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Who is the most beautiful woman?

All women are beautiful. Society blinds people to their beauty. For instance, one individual may find many women attractive but another individual will find others attractive. Women should not judge beauty on attractiveness but on the fact that they are beautiful.
Liked by: i Kerry Denham

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What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer?

I think my laptop would be OpenOffice because I went into a huff with Microsoft...
Phone though would be a new GBA emulator and pokemon FireRed XD
Liked by: Sakky Zac Thomson

Ouch, just saw you had ask fm, came for a nosy and the first thing I see if that you've been accused of being a pervert, ouch. Sorry to hear that. You're able to report mean questions aren't you?

Zac Thomson
Probably but its been dealt with. My accusers wouldn't face me directly XD
I'll be putting anon back on soon for people like you and my other friends :)
Liked by: Sakky Zac Thomson

stop being such a try hard man, she doesn't want you, get over that fact like?!?

I'm taking the liberty of answering this again as last night I was caught off guard.
I gave up on being more than friends with the woman you are referring to after 6 months of friendship. I have spent the past couple of years trying to move on. I have spent months without contact, I have been with other women, I have even caused her to hate me but I cannot move on. I have studied psychology, neurology and biochemistry so please tell me what I have missed?
I am acutely aware that she is not interested in more that friendship just as much as I am aware that with my condition I am unsuitable for more than friendship. This is not about who wants what. I decided it was time to accept how I felt and for those around me to do the same in order to stop hurting them.
I cannot control my feelings as cavalier as you would appear to and I am sure in your own way you believe you are doing her a service of protection or something but you do not show a knowledge of my condition and prove yourself to be intolerant and immature and I doubt that this woman of all people would approve of your choice of action.
I appreciate your sentiment, thank you anon.

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Liked by: Zac Thomson

Do you realise that being so arrogant about your intelligence makes you seem like a bit of a cunt?

I've been told that on numerous occasions. I don't rub it in peoples faces. I don't go out of my way to talk about it. I simply admit what I have experienced. I am smart. I am above average. I don't see why that's a bad thing. If I was degrading the intelligence of others or even implying it then it would be wrong but I don't so why is it considered a bad thing? Many people would agree with me. I also know that there are a lot of people who are much more intelligent that I am. Its honest, that's all.

Would you rather be a lonely genius, or a sociable idiot?

I am a lonely genius and have never known anything else. Yes, I am arrogant enough to declare that.
Liked by: Zac Thomson

What would you name your own country? and what 10 laws would you have?

My country would be called Tolldan. As for ten laws...
1) The legal age of consent would be 16 for all actions of a non physical nature but 18 for the use of substances which affect physical properties (e.g. smoking, drinking, drugs)
2) The use of drugs would be legalized but heavily controlled by legislation and taxed. Punishment for possession, selling and use of non-legislated or un-taxed drugs would be incarceration.
3) Discrimination would not be tolerated unless it was due to a reason that made the individual(s) being discriminated against unfit for a task (e.g. retirement would occur at a set age per professions to free up jobs, professions requiring a set level of physical fitness would be entitled to discriminate if there was evidence that this level was not present)
4) Theft would be illegal and punished by repaying the value (as defined by minimum of two state funded assessors) of the items stolen to the original owner and half the value to the state.
5) Violence (assault, abuse, rape) would be illegal and punished by exposure of the attacker to the same levels of pain (induced chemically) and similar injuries to the affected individual. Repeated offences of unequivocal evidence would be assigned life incarceration. Actions directly resulting in loss of life would be punished likewise.
6) Individuals must attend education facilities from the ages of 5 to 18 and achieve a specified grade. Those desiring to leave the system at this age may do so but will not be supported by the state unless they proved that they were attempting to pursue a career. Free assistance and training would be available to those individuals in trades and other careers until the age of 24. Individuals pursuing further education would be funded by the state.
7) Assisted suicide would be legal if the individual consented over the course of 5 years. If the individual was unable to consent then circumstances would be investigated.
8) No individual may starve. All individuals will be subjected to physical assessment every 5 years with at risk individuals investigated every 4 weeks. The state would provide all individuals with a base level of nutrition for health.
9) If found to be opposing an agent of the law, all force deemed necessary would be sanctioned - exempt from the 5th law in all but extreme cases which would be investigated thoroughly.
10) No individuals, members of the state or otherwise are exempt from the laws (exception being the 9th law). If the individuals are foreign to the state then the laws of the state apply but punishments of the home state apply. Individuals under the age of consent may be incarcerated until the age of consent at which point their punishment would be served - does not apply to financial punishments such as theft.
I think I did this justice, it just took me months before I got around to answering, apologies to the person who originally asked for the length of time taken to respond.

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Liked by: Laura Murphy

How long does it take to really 'know' someone?

I don't think we ever really know someone, there is always a part of themselves that they don't share with the world :3
Liked by: Ookami

I think that's possibly the most excited anyone has ever been to know they're considered my friend. It's not that great trust me :/

I think it is great! You are a genuinely kind and honest person and there aren't enough people like you in the world!

If you could date anyone, including celebrities who would you date and why?

I'm afraid nobody comes to mind at the moment. If it was someone I knew though, I wouldn't be telling ask.fm now would I :P
Liked by: Zac Thomson

does aspergers still effect you? and in what way?

Whoever you are...
Aspergers Syndrome will always affect me. It has affected me since birth and will continue to do so until I die. It makes my brain better at storing and recalling information but restricts lateral problem solving. I can't look people in the eyes, have heightened senses, hate to be touched and don't understand non-verbal communication. I also get anxious around groups of people.
But that's me and I'm happy and proud of who I am. :)
Liked by: Sakky

Honest opinions of; Zac Thomson Merle Harbron Laura Murphy Finn Walton? (:

Zac Thomson: Cuddliest guy I know and the only guy I'd willingly hug. All round awesome guy.
Merle Harbron: Don't really know her but from what I've seen she's pretty cool.
Laura Murphy: Great person but worries to much about things she can't change.
Finn Walton: The Thinker... I find that he says too many things about disliking ignorance when he is so ignorant and intolerant of things in this world.
Liked by: Zac Thomson

Well you are an inspiration to me, alright?<3

Not alright, whoever you are be like someone awesome like Ookie, Liam, Mia, Laura or Sakky, those are inspirational peeps!
I can't even use my Kindle keypad without getting frustrated XD
Liked by: Ookami

Do you like high heels?

Of course I love walking around in them... -_- FYI that was sarcasm!! (Zac and Kirsty; looking at the two of you) :P I don't know, if a girl feels comfortable then that's what matters, if she or anyone else who wants to wear high heels wants to then that's their business, it doesn't bother me one way or the other


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