
Daniel Burt

Ask @Burtle95

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does aspergers still effect you? and in what way?

Whoever you are...
Aspergers Syndrome will always affect me. It has affected me since birth and will continue to do so until I die. It makes my brain better at storing and recalling information but restricts lateral problem solving. I can't look people in the eyes, have heightened senses, hate to be touched and don't understand non-verbal communication. I also get anxious around groups of people.
But that's me and I'm happy and proud of who I am. :)
Liked by: Sakky

Being on your list there made me very happy, thank you <3

I don't know who you are but you are very welcome <3

wat did u have for breakfast this morn?

Shreddies... my weekday breakfast :3
Yesterday though I had croissant XD

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who are your closest friends?(: and who are your friends that you can trust the most?

Actual friends: Zac Thomson, Hannah Duncan, Liam Donn, Mia Colquhoun, Laura Murphy, Erin Cameron, Kirsten MacMillan, Dan James, Rhoanna Black, Emma McCrae and plenty of others
Friends I trust completely: Dan, Zac, Hannah, Mia, Laura, Erin and Emma

Same :/ He's just as socially awkward as you are (no offence) but then he goes and tries to get in peoples faces and then offends them with his over opinionated, unwavering and unaccepting views :/

Hey... I'm like that too but I try not to be XD
He's actually less awkward just more obnoxious :/

Keeping this anonymous but I wholeheartedly agree with you about Finn. He is very forceful with his opinions and very rude and obnoxious about them. He would do well to learn humility and acceptance.

That requires someone to humiliate him though...
Its mostly personal for me because he cannot tolerate me and preaches that he cannot stand intolerance and ignorance in other people... I don't like hypocrites

Honest opinions of; Zac Thomson Merle Harbron Laura Murphy Finn Walton? (:

Zac Thomson: Cuddliest guy I know and the only guy I'd willingly hug. All round awesome guy.
Merle Harbron: Don't really know her but from what I've seen she's pretty cool.
Laura Murphy: Great person but worries to much about things she can't change.
Finn Walton: The Thinker... I find that he says too many things about disliking ignorance when he is so ignorant and intolerant of things in this world.
Liked by: Zac Thomson

I just saw the last 'question' and can honestly tell you it wasn't me and am thoroughly confused by what it was meant to mean :S

Zac Thomson
I didn't seriously think it was you but I would have felt bad just saying "Don't have a clue what you mean" XD
Liked by: Zac Thomson

Over compensating

About what?
You might need to give me a bit more than that..
If Lauren: really wasn't me :)
If Zac: I'm serious, hold out till June XD
If Other: I shall slay you with my dragonglass... there's a prize for whoever gets that reference :3

''I think I'm single... not completely sure, think so :3'' what the fuck does that mean.

I think you are objecting because you either know of find my lack of knowledge objectionable...
Message me if you want to talk :)

What was the last thing you bought?

Lunch at Subway because my Dad wouldn't take my money after he bought me a ticket to a Warhammer tournament in Warhammer World, Nottingham XD

Well I used my skills of deduction. Using the clues I had it was easy to figure out the anonymous guy. As you barely know me and are online. You also love Benedict cumberbatch and have already seen Star Trek I actually figured it out about 4 questions ago I was just playing along

Drat, a regular detective then :3
That's just embarrassing XD
You want me to stop...? O.o

I thought physics was your fav after maths, oops :P so wbu? Fav non-legendary / pseudo pokemon and favourite starter?

Zac Thomson
My favourite is always bio, chemistry, maths then physics so you aren't wrong :D
Hmmm... Raichu obviously, especially if it were to have the move "Volt Tackle" of which I have one... wait, maybe Alakazam, bit of a glass cannon but he's fast XD
Favourite starter would have to be Squirtle, 1st stage evolution would be either Croconaw or Quilava and final would have to be Swampert or Empoleon but my best ever evolution is Empoleon XD
Liked by: Zac Thomson

What subjects did you take? Higher computing and? What, maths? Maths and physics?

Zac Thomson
Yeah, cuz you walked into Computing eating a Sam'ich!!! XD
Advanced Maths, Biology and Chemistry :D
I never went back to physics after Higher :3
Liked by: Zac Thomson

What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer?

I think my laptop would be OpenOffice because I went into a huff with Microsoft...
Phone though would be a new GBA emulator and pokemon FireRed XD
Liked by: Sakky Zac Thomson

Name a few movies you can watch over and over?

Star Trek: Into Darkness, most of the Studio Ghibli films, Avatar, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Star Wars (any of them), Lord of the Rings films, Harry Potter Films, Pokemon films... I think I can keep going but it would just cement my geek image XD

Who is your best friend?

I can't pick one...
Hannah, Liam, Dan, Emma, Erin... If I miss anyone off this, I love you too XD


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