
Daniel Burt

Ask @Burtle95

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Three smartest students in your school? who would they be?

Don't really know about other year groups but me, Dr Strange and Dr Day

If I really knew you would I really be on anon? would I not just ask you these things in person or on a more personal level? Stop being so hung up on being literal and trying to figure everything out. You might get further.

My friends use my anon so I don't know :P
I can't really get further, I'm one of three smartest students in my year and am going to reach the top of my scientific field... where else do I need to go? XD
You might be embarrassed if you don't know me well enough to tell me you are a lesbian?

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I do know who you are, I've just never heard you mention a little sister and I was pretty sure you didn't have any...

I don't have one that's why she's the closest thing I have :P
So you know who I am but I bet you don't "know" me ;)

Who are your best female friends?

Erin Agnes Jessica Cameron
Hannah Duncan
Emma McCrae
That's about it really :)

I'm afraid I have to put you back in the crate too, Burtle. Sorry. Text me. You never did ask me that question ;)

I'm used to it now, it has loads of electronic games and comfy seats and things in it now but who is this and what question didn't I ask...? O.o
I only actually ask a couple of people important questions and I haven't left any of them hanging :P

favourite things in the world?

hmmm... aside from friends? Warhammer 40000 models, books, music and boats :)

what is YOUR theory of evoulution

There is only one theory of evolution...
Single celled organisms spontaneously occurred and adapted to their environment to survive resulting in complex organisms like us

I love you<3

I love you too dear XD
If you're the giantess anon, please don't leave me alone in my crate again... I get lonely xxxx

what made u start harming?

Depression, the usual, but what doesn't kill you only serves to make you stronger.

r u betta now? if so hw long u clean for

I've slipped twice in the past six years since the major occurences but I haven't done it since I left SCC

wher u self harm o..O

I don't have scars all across my arms and legs if that's what you think :P
It was a while ago, scars heal. I just tore the backs of my hands, I'd sit scratching endlessly for hours to feel something.

hv u ever had -negetive feelings - ever self harm - ever sailed in a boat - ever protested -ever hurt someone (emotionally or physically\0

Negative feelings - yes, who hasn't!
Self-harm - yes but nobody would notice.
Ever sailed in a boat - yes several different kinds of boats, sailing, rowing, power :)
Ever protested - Not really no.
Ever hurt someone - Emotionally? yes Physically? Far too often.

what is ur mood right now

Intrigued :P
Who has the sixth year giantess fetish...
Is it a she or a he?
How does she know people from Fort William...

The world is a vampire, sent to drain. Secret destroyers, hold you up to the flames. And what do I get for my pain? Betrayed desires and a piece of the game.

That's... it's... I love it... :O

What do you look like?

You don't know...
Everyone knows...
You know someone from Fort... grr... this anonymosity is killing me XD

What do u dislike in girl?

If she gives up, weak character, lack of confidence, that type of thing.
I absolutely hate girls who wear a ton of make up too!!

what do you think of whale hunting

I'd rather hunt people... just saying.
I think whale hunting and shark finning and all that type of thing should be stopped, current measures are inadequate!

What do u find attractive in girls???

Confidence, innocence, humour, intelligence, ability to relax, interests, general "cute-ness", freckles, that kind of thing


Language: English