
Daniel Burt

Ask @Burtle95

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Do you already have Ask.fm app for iPhone?

I don't have an iPhone... isn't that a requirement... even if I did I wouldn't download the app

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What do you think Ask.fm has, that no other site has?

Truly? Nothing, even tumblr has an anonymous ask function if you want it...
To be honest this is a truly strange website that is meant as a bit of fun but cowards twist into a miasma of hatred :(

Do you like high heels?

Of course I love walking around in them... -_- FYI that was sarcasm!! (Zac and Kirsty; looking at the two of you) :P I don't know, if a girl feels comfortable then that's what matters, if she or anyone else who wants to wear high heels wants to then that's their business, it doesn't bother me one way or the other

Xbox or PlayStation?

People are going to hate me. I prefer the Xbox because the games that I enjoy playing the most are only produced on that platform but a part of me does agree that the PlayStation may be the superior console. If I was buying one though I'd always go Xbox!

Would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum?

I managed to answer this on tumblr a few days ago... weather dependent result

How old were you when you started playing video games?

My first ever video game was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on my metallic blue Nintendo Advance XP games console. I think I must have been about 8 because it was before I moved to Argyll. That was on my birthday and a few days later on that christmas I was given Pokemon Ruby and my obsession with pokemon really began!

What university do you study at?

I'm studying BSc (Hons) Marine Science at the University of the Highlands and Islands with the Scottish Association of Marine Science. It's great.

You're planning a nice dinner party but could only invite 3 people. Who would you invite?

I would say Dan, Ookie and EpicMole but then I'd have to invite a fourth or listen to complaints so I'm going to forgive Liam's table manners and say Liam, Hannah and that other friend

How old were you when you learned how to ride a bike?

What makes you think I know? Oh no, I can't remember... I've forgotten how to walk HELP ICANTBREATHEHELPME!!.............................................

Are you still friends with someone from kindergarten?

Noooo.... I still know my next door neighbour but I haven't spoken to her often enough to call her a friend over the past eight years since I moved away. Families still keep in touch though :)


Language: English