
Daniel Burt

Ask @Burtle95

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What would be your perfect woman? How would you describe her?

I'd say she would be stubborn, confident, sure of herself and half-mad. She'd be shorter than me but not hugely. She'd be herself no matter what anybody thought or said. She'd like some of the same stuff as me but also have her own life. Most important of all though, she'd have to be able to hold an intelligent conversation to such a degree that it borders on nonsense. XD
She'd be brilliant, mad, confident and completely imperfect!

I'm an owl....but shhhhhh don't tell anyone. :D I think my favourite god would be Erebus though.... though Deimos and Oizys are near the top too.

I'm going to have to call you Bubo then... :P
Your favourite deities are Darkness, Terror and Misery... fun, why not add Eris in there too :P

Deimos and Phobos also stood for the fear of loss since their Mother was Aphrodite :3

Who are you...??
Which of my friends is the friend we are friends with??

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I have a book called Everneath, it's a retelling of the Persephone story :D I have a feeling Ishould know who Rick Riordan is.... :/ What about Deimos & Phobos???

Terror and Fear, children of Ares :D
They rode to war with Ares upon his mighty chariot spreading terror and fear amongst his enemies, Rick Riordan wrote several books on the adventures of a demi-god child of Poseidon in the modern world. Quiet good if a bit basic.
Who are you!?!?!?!?!?!

:O you like greek mythology???? Me tooooooooooooo

Who are you!?!?! seriously... getting to me :L
Yes, I love greek mythology, I got started because of the Rick Riordan books ^_^

Whats city would you love to go to?

Athens... big time, not a big fan of the sun or heat but I'd love to see the parthenon. I'm kinda a greek myth geek XD

Do you know the muffin man?

Not if you're the muffin man :P
I know the muffin man, the one who lives on drewry lane, I taught him everything he knows

If you discovered a new island, what would you name it?

Something to do with how it looks with how I got there and the name of the person I love...
appearance + transport + crush = Sunny Transush :')

Where would you bury your treasure if you had some?

If I told you that then everyone would know where they could find it... :P
But its protected by a pseudo-hulk so beware!

What do you think animals think about humans?

Pets or wild animals??
Pets are really the spies of the wild animals and just look at us and train us until we do exactly what they want cuz they think we're just dopey bipeds... I mean who else walks on 4 legs!!
Whereas wild animals, them, they're plotting to take over the world from the daft bipeds that are making such a mess of things all the time.
Overall... beware of pandas!! :')

What do you regret most in life?

I think my greatest regret will always have to be when I got whooping cough during my highers and didn't get my 5 A's...

Kay biee! <3 ya! Xoxo

Who is this and what kinda question is that...??
You must be a facebook friend... right???
WHO ARE YOU!?!?!?! D:

Burtle, Burtle, Burtle... tell me, do you know the secret of the Eye of Zoltan? x

...no......... D': I really feel like I should, damn it it feels like I should!!! Madness is setting in due to faulty memory... insanity has taken grip, what does that mean.... BURTLE USED SELF-DESTRUCT!!!!
No, seriously... I love secrets... tell me??

Whit did ya do 2 them lyk? And I'm a m8 of a m8 xoxo

Who are you... a smelly second year...?
Something higher up the evolutionary chain?
I'd rather not say... its in the past and everyone that needs to know already does

What is your favourite vegetable?

Vegetables!! Vegetables! Don't be absurd! I am immortal and its all down to my diet of photosynthesizing and not eating x

And, tell me something else, what it is that is so attractive about Seven of Nine? She terrifies me! x

I've been told its something to do with that skin tight suite, don't know where I heard that... *cough-Finn-cough... cough-Walton...* just clearing my throat O:)
She's not my type... but I think the Borg technology stuff is pretty cool XD

Who ya liking these days?

I only know a few people that ask that question like that... if you Facebook message me then I might tell you... O.o o.O

Can I be part of your fantastical world? And eat the goblins in it? x

Anything that eats those little gripes is welcome to stay. But make sure and chew or else they'll scramble those grey cells all upside-downy topsy-turvy XD

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