
Daniel Burt

Ask @Burtle95

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What's the best thing that happened to you today?

That happened? ...maybe finding a better way of studying geology than my notes... FYI folks I hate geology, now I know how you guys felt about subjects you didn't like

What would you name your own country? and what 10 laws would you have?

My country would be called Tolldan. As for ten laws...
1) The legal age of consent would be 16 for all actions of a non physical nature but 18 for the use of substances which affect physical properties (e.g. smoking, drinking, drugs)
2) The use of drugs would be legalized but heavily controlled by legislation and taxed. Punishment for possession, selling and use of non-legislated or un-taxed drugs would be incarceration.
3) Discrimination would not be tolerated unless it was due to a reason that made the individual(s) being discriminated against unfit for a task (e.g. retirement would occur at a set age per professions to free up jobs, professions requiring a set level of physical fitness would be entitled to discriminate if there was evidence that this level was not present)
4) Theft would be illegal and punished by repaying the value (as defined by minimum of two state funded assessors) of the items stolen to the original owner and half the value to the state.
5) Violence (assault, abuse, rape) would be illegal and punished by exposure of the attacker to the same levels of pain (induced chemically) and similar injuries to the affected individual. Repeated offences of unequivocal evidence would be assigned life incarceration. Actions directly resulting in loss of life would be punished likewise.
6) Individuals must attend education facilities from the ages of 5 to 18 and achieve a specified grade. Those desiring to leave the system at this age may do so but will not be supported by the state unless they proved that they were attempting to pursue a career. Free assistance and training would be available to those individuals in trades and other careers until the age of 24. Individuals pursuing further education would be funded by the state.
7) Assisted suicide would be legal if the individual consented over the course of 5 years. If the individual was unable to consent then circumstances would be investigated.
8) No individual may starve. All individuals will be subjected to physical assessment every 5 years with at risk individuals investigated every 4 weeks. The state would provide all individuals with a base level of nutrition for health.
9) If found to be opposing an agent of the law, all force deemed necessary would be sanctioned - exempt from the 5th law in all but extreme cases which would be investigated thoroughly.
10) No individuals, members of the state or otherwise are exempt from the laws (exception being the 9th law). If the individuals are foreign to the state then the laws of the state apply but punishments of the home state apply. Individuals under the age of consent may be incarcerated until the age of consent at which point their punishment would be served - does not apply to financial punishments such as theft.
I think I did this justice, it just took me months before I got around to answering, apologies to the person who originally asked for the length of time taken to respond.

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Liked by: Laura Murphy

What is your favourite thing about yourself?

See that's a hard question... I'm going to have to say my new bright orange hair

How fast do you fall in love?

Can't say I've found it yet but the scientific ruling is 4 months for feelings of infatuation to become feelings of love and I believe science

What are some of the first things you do in the morning?

Sneakily post tumblr things before anyone else I know wakes up to go on tumblr then I shower and eat brakfast and get dressed... obviously at the same time, who doesn't

Post a pic of your favorite shoes?

I always liked David Tennants 10th Doctor converse until I found out that people used to call them sand shoes and now I don't have favourite shoes because I like creeping people out with my bare feet thank you very much ask.fm

don't you think shannon is a big giant

Again, no idea what you are talking about, I'm taller than all the Shannons that I know...

Erin has really nice feet doesn't she?

You're back then... I have no comment on the feet of anyone I know by the name of Erin, thank you for the ask

Not Especially, No. And The Capitals Are There For A Reason. I Just Want You To Know That Others Are Being Hurt In The Process.

I don't even know what process you are referring to... Life? School? Nature? If you won't elaborate on what you mean and continue sending cryptic messages I'm hardly going to understand, am I? Also there is no literary device that uses capitals at the start of every word for any reason as far as I am aware.

He is a giant catcher and loves to tie them up, like you!

I don't believe in giants and I'm not into the whole bondage thing thanks

This rubbish never ended, she never stopped being a giant. You like the thought of her towering over you though, just like Callum! She's not the only giant though

Callum? I don't care for the idea thanks.

Did you know that Lauren Cameron is a giant?

She's the same height as me last time I checked and I'm not all that tall...

I Think That, In The Case, You Do Not Choose It.

Due to your lack of ability with the English language (capital letters only go at the start of a sentence or proper noun, in case you were wondering). Now, would you care to elaborate upon your rather ambiguous and grammatically improper sentence?


Language: English