
Daniel Burt

Ask @Burtle95

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Yes, just general conversation

I don't think I'd feel uncomfortable at all to be honest, well, no less than I am with everyone actually XD
Although, most girls make me feel uncomfortable due to their beautiful appearance and stunning personalities ;)

How do you usually start a conversation?

I always start Facebook conversations the same way (sorry folks) and follow mostly the same routine in real life too xD

Do you ever feel uncomfortable if a girl is taller than you?

Nah, most guys I know are taller than me, I'm quite used to being short xD
Anyway, what situation would we be discussing, everyday conversation?

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Which country would you hate to live in and why?

Since I've only been in 3 countries, yes people, only 3. England, Scotland and Spain. In Spain I only saw Barcelona and in England I only saw what was visible from the M1 on my way to Warhammer World in Nottingham so I'm afraid I really couldn't comment on which country I wouldn't live in :P
Liked by: Ookami

Favourite animal?

See, that's hard, my favourite animal is the wolf and always will be but I have more respect for the sheer power of the polar bear :3
Liked by: Ookami

How long does it take to really 'know' someone?

I don't think we ever really know someone, there is always a part of themselves that they don't share with the world :3
Liked by: Ookami

If your plane was about to crash, who would you want sitting next to you?

Someone I really hated maybe... don't think their is anyone like that so maybe someone dying a slow death, plane crash would have to be quicker and less painful, surely

how are you today?

Okay, not sure who this is but I'm as good as I am everyday and will be for everyday :P

Has anything upset or angered you recently????

I am annoyed with a current emotional state and so am acting more illogical than usual I suppose, so, yes...

Do you remember your first friend?

Yeah but I never see any of my old friends but I have some awesome new ones :D

If you were stranded on a tropical island what 2 things would you want with you?

One is something that I know wouldn't want to be there, the other is a laptop which can access satellite communications for internet xD

Sooooooo s5 s4

If I knew who you were it might make me more inclined to tell you... or would I??? :P
Well if she's younger then she can be S6, S5, S4, S3... etc XD

What was the last thing that made you laugh?

Playing with Dad in Halo and watching him die spectacularly of course XD

What is on the walls of the room you are in?

Blue paint over pink paint - chosen by the room's previous occupant xD - a Chinese calendar for 2012, a cork pin board, a radiator and a CD rack designed to look like a guitar XD

well, s she younger or older :-)

Kiddo, I'm not at high school any more so she HAS to be younger :P

What year is she in

I think the correct answer is; "wouldn't you like to know" or perhaps; "none of your bees wax"... ;)

If you could paint anything what would you paint?

I've been painting a lot of models lately so I suppose I'd like to paint something easy for a change xD


Language: English