

Ask @Caileyhatesyou

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His car has the dallas star on it right? it was parked outside of makaylas house the other day

Quit trying to start shit he Hasent seen her in months
Liked by: Zhizik Schizo

I dont want to bring you down beautiful i just want you to know the truth. You deserve the best!

There is no "truth@" anit nothin goin on I don't know abt ;)
Liked by: Zhizik Schizo

Are you going to date Dallas when you move?

Yes, he has boot camp soon aswell so unfortunately anyway you slice it were going to have some distance but I love him and I can wait :)

Do you consider yourself a positive person?

In the past no, I have been trying to rebuild myself in positive ways and I look at life with a different perspective now. So yes I do.

New person here but Dallas is honestly ugly and nobody knows why he would wanna date someone 4 years older... Think about it, would you wanna date an 11 year old? Exactly. Just take it into consideration. That is all. Bye.

Kay bye bye 😘

I was talking about how you cheated with your insta followers lolol

Kay kinda conflicting when your Geting hate from all angles. Don't like me unfollow and quit lurking in my acc.


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