
Caitlin Taylor

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you both used to be so close. it makes me sad not seeing you like that now truth be told :-( everything will end up fine believe me. nunight beautiful <3

Yeah I know, but shit happens and you just gotta deal with it I guess, yeah im sure it will be. Goodnight <3

You're amazing Caitlin!Seriously,ignore the hates & assumptions that "anon" people make.I know I don't know the full story but I'm confident that you dont deserve the hate that you get.They're only trying to bring you down.just keep your head held high!if you ever want to chat,dont mind! Hehe ILY♥:)

Dohee Kim
aw thank you so much Dohee :-)))) youre legit amazing, dw of course i will. Nobody is capable of making me feel shit haha. ily gorgeous <3

The fact that people react its funny. It's not going to do anything other than give. The user what they want.

Yeah good point, but I've been on the receiving end quite a bit lately and it's honestly so frustrating that you can't help but give a reaction most of the time? You clearly haven't been on the receiving end

i just want both of you to be happy :-) i remember seeing you two having a great time around each other and always smiling which made my day :-) the two of you are both genuinely great people.

aw thanks gorgeous :-) means a lot <3

Like two people are seen together (for example you and Connor G) and it turns into this big scandal. It's hilarious how people create these imagined fantasies for kicks. Even better is the victims reactions

My close friends don't do that tbh. Cause they know me well enough and don't assume shit. But yeah we are teenagers obviously some people are gonna get their thrills out of stupid stuff like that.
How is the victims reaction better? most of the time the victim just ends up feeling shit, how is that at all good?

I find it quite amusing how such a small thing erupts into a huge dramatic thing in your "group" of peers

Like what?

im not coming off anon? that would just cause shit

wooooow, that would cause shit? as if everything else you've said wont cause shit -.-

#CCGirls #Drama #getmorepopcorn

No. Stop. I hate it when people class us as a group. If you think I'm dramatic or whatever then thats cool but don't assume all the Cornercrew girls are. We are all individuals.
Liked by: Nathan Rollinson

Why don't you like people knowing your Tumblr there's not really anything incriminating on it?

cause the stuff I reblog is like stuff I think/agree with and I don't always what other people seeing it/knowing what im actually thinking.. I dont really know how to explain it.. i just feel like people will judge me i guess
Liked by: Nathan Rollinson

everything which has been said has been true. you know that

no, it hasnt actually. Youre just dong the same thing as everyone else and assuming shit.

you know he never had a chance with you. hes is an idiot for ever thinking he did and even if he did he has made a huge mistake and mucked it up! and your friendship is bad because of it.

Seriously piss off, take your unwanted opinions elsewhere.

he doesn't deserve you! you have moved on and realized that, he needs to realize he never had a chance with you. you're beautiful: he's ugly.

Nah please don't come onto my ask and talk shit about him. Like I get you're trying to be nice to me or whatever but no, you're just saying mean untrue things, please stop.
Liked by: Nathan Rollinson

don't worry everybody knows it! you're way too good for him. the sooner he wakes up the better

Thats bullshit.

hahahah that stuff about nathan is funny! guys nathan treated her badly and she's moved on and gotten over it which is what he needs to do. everyone needs to get over it, its caitlins decision not anybody else :-)

I'm gonna comment on that. But I do have to say that Nathan didn't treat me badly.

do you have a tumblr? if yes, then link me please??

Yeah I have a tumblr but no soz, I don't like people I know seeing it :-)


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