
Caitlin Taylor

Ask @CaitTaylor

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how many kit kats did you get on your birthday?

shit mate, too many to count. I love my friends <3

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to be apart of the chodes what do you have to be?

Okay you just asked me like 5 of these questions and just changed what group you were talking about so this is my answer for all of the groups: there are not specific requirements, all the groups you listed in my opinion are very welcoming. If you start hanging out with people in whatever group you choose to, you will eventually make your way in :-) Its just about whether you get on well with the people in the group well. Its not like to be in the soccer boys group that you have to play soccer
Liked by: Nathan Rollinson

Impersonate meeee

Connor Gillanders
ily caitlin
*saves my life with water*
im gangstaaaa
calls shotgun *doesnt get to ride shotgun cause caitlin overrules it*
youre cute *im not actually cute*
fight me
hahahahahhaha *random laughing*
you have a pretty face ;-)
*makes me food* :-D
lets teach caitlin to lie
lets teach cailtin to be mean
im so done
youre amazing
caitlin youre honestly an amazing parker
nah caitlin i'll buy you a kitkat *never buys me a kitkat*
fight me
omg why did you skid outside my house *didnt even skid*
im going to play shit today *plays amazingly*
*takes 20million selfies on my ipod when i accidently leave it at your place* * gets annoyed when i upload one to fb* haha
youre cute
how are you *say im tired* hi tired
caitlin is amazing and my bestest person ever, shes the best driver I know and Im gonna buy her millions of kitkats
ily <3 <3 <3
shot connor ily <3

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impersonate me? :P

caitlin youre amazing <3
you and jess are like my sisters <3
lets talk
lets hang (some reason we never end up actually hanging out haha)
do you need help? is there anything that i can do?
lets dmc
hows things
youre so pretty
everyone is amazing
*is nice to every single person ever*
hows the love life (awks caitlin has no love life)
i miss you
more study
im worried about NCEA this year *gets straight excellences*
*is sport as, gets excellences constantly and still finds time to hang with everyone*
caitlin is amazing and ily her to the max, shes cool as :-)))))
haha soz this isnt the best but youre amazing and ily <3
Liked by: Nathan Rollinson

impersonate your sister?

I've never done one of these but here goes nothing:
omg youre sooo rude
*angrily storms upstairs and slams door*
omg im hot
ew caitlin
why are you friends with them
i dont like them
you never tell me annnything
caitlin please dont tell me youre going out looking like that..
nah they like me better than you
omg i love sitch, sitch doesnt like you caitlin
eats 20x more than any normal human being and is still skinny as
thats why noboooooody likes youuu
nah jk ily <3
i look good in this aye?
can i borrow this? no okay *steals it anyway and doesnt give it back for months*
caitlin come with me to pay incase my card declines? *card declines* oh shot caitlin you can just pay
omg youre sooooo rude
omg mark is so annoying -.-
lets study.. nah jk ill do it later
more food
lets spend all this money i dont have
mum ill pay you back *never pays mum back*
spends all $$ on foood
even more selfies
ily caitlin, youre the best sister ever. You're better than the best, you're my idol, my inspiration.. i wish i was as cool as you.. I love you too the moon and back xooxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxox

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Liked by: Nathan Rollinson

Awks..... your personality is ugly aswell..

There is no way that my personality is as ugly as yours though. Im not so low that I would intentionally try and make someone else feel like shit. Maybe you should sort out your own personality before you come judging mine.
Liked by: Nathan Rollinson

thoughts on 12WT

Everyone is 12WT is absolutely amazing, they are the best form class out and I wouldnt trade them for anything. I love how we all get along and how everyone is in their own kinda group but we all easily interact with everyone else and get on amazingy. I love how everyone is so excepting on one another and how everyone in our class does everything in the WT way ;-) ily guys so freaking much <3 and omg don't get me started on bloody Whitey, there is no way you could not love that bloke <3

thoughts- you know that i think you're amazingly beautiful and genuine, so nice to me, and there for me like a true sister <3

omg youre actually to nice, ily <33333

who the fuck is saying this? caitlin is hot as cunt. People are only jealous of her sexy figure and amazing ability to talk to guys

Wow, not too sure thats true aye but thanks anyway haha <3

You just admitted that you and him have never been anything. That he's JUST a friend and always will be. You never had a thing? That would make him feel bad. Good work (y)

No all i said was that you didnt know anything i didnt deny or agree to your accusations becauss what happen/s between me and nathan is between me and him not me and all of ask.fm :-)
So there is noway i will ever agree to or deny anything you have to say about what has happend between me and him :-) all you need to know is that we are friends.

You and Nathan clearly had something? Do you not have that anymore, are you and him nothing?

Oh did we anon? Im pretty sure you arent me or nathan so really you dont know :-\ me and nathan are friends :-)

stop giving caitlin shit. Why are all your questions about or linked to nathan? She doesn't have to like anyone.. let her be ffs. Dw caitlin, i'll sort them out

Thanks anon <3

I'm sorry Caitlin, but I think you may need to rethink some decisions you've made concerning they way you treat some guys in your life. It seems as if the way you're going about it now will make you lose the few friends that are still here for you

Sorry but if you actually feel this way you should be a good enough mate to come off anon and explain this to me. So chat me or text me or something please :-) because i dont understand how im 'playing' anyone when i havent made a move on anyone or told anyone i like them in like the last year? So ye im allowed friends but come off anon and ill try understand where youre coming from.


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