
Caitlin Taylor

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well if i say, dont think you want to talk to me that much anyway harharhahaha

that didn't really make sense, just tell me pretty please :-)

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k, Daniel Hewahd Josip Corey Nathan Stefan (won't ask for kento seein as sombody else already asked)

Daniel - good a sports, real nice to me
Hewahd - awesome at soccer, smart as, funny, goodlooking, good bloke
Josip - pro at soccer, real funny, good bloke
Corey - crazy, drunk, hilarious, nice, smart as :o
Nath - pro ass at soccer and touch, really nice, smart, all round good guy
Stefan - can run for years, sporty as, makes funny as memes, funny
They are all amazing at sports, they all just have that natural ability aye and they are all freaking hilarious nice guys :-)

short thoughts on people in soccer group, just lyk a sentence each or couple of words

Give me names and I will <3

who do you not know that much out of the soccer group?

Like that I'm not really friends with? Probs like Darrel and Aman haha

do you know anyone that likes anyone from the soccer group? or friends with the soccer group?

Lol nah not really aye

what do you like about kento?( not like as in <3 just like as good things about him)

I like his personality, hes pretty funny when hes all anger the whole time :P and hes an all round good bloke, the man at sports, smart as, good looking, funny and yaa :-)

do you actually think that everyone changes during high school?

Yeah I do, like they don't completely change but they do mature a bit and stuff

everyone you said? carlos, lale, trav, greg, tyron, hewahd, josip, kento, nathan

Carlos, Lale and Trav all have nice bodies and nice faces haha
Greg has a nice build
Hewahd, Josip and Nath have nice hair and faces
Kento has a nice build and I like his hair
Lol it feels weird saying this stuff, I cbf going into anymore detail than that soz haha <3

who are good looking?

so good looking year 12's? Pretty much the same as who I said for had a nice body plus tyron hewahd josip kento nath etc :-)

like who?

what I dont know what I'm answering cause im getting questions from like three different people sorry :O

which of your friends do you find good looking? it's not like they'll find it offensive haha

most of them are algood tbh haha :-)

yr 12s isn't hard?

I think it is tbh? Only cause they are like my friends and I don't really look at them like that haha


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