
Caitlin Taylor

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I'm not that silly missy. You have to guess it

why D: i can barely remember what i did yesterday let alone what i did a year ago

Well okay, I got an anon rose in math then I like didn't want it so i gave it do you indirectly

really o.o i dont recall this? who are you?

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I'll get you another one this yeah, well actually last you stole it from me ;-)

lol what howd i steal it from you :O

Anyway about the Valentine roses oh Thursday, guess who I am. I think this will be fun

what what about roses on thursday? you gonna get me one? you're duh besst ;-)

Let's commit the perfect crime: I'll steal you're heart, and you'll steal mine. ;-)

ok boss but this is awks cause i dont know who you are therefore i cant steal your heart :-\
Liked by: Kimberleigh Murray

Lol, I like anon, it makes me into a like ninja wizard ;-) Also headaches are not good

i think i know who you are :-) i agree

Aw why didn't you come to school, I mean i hardly see you but are you okay?

yeah just had a mega headache, nothing to worry about though :-) come off anon?

i am indeed coming too volley! i however did not go to geos, cos i went physio afterschool and fully rubbed the shizza outta my leg :/ wehh too sore!

yaaaay :-D :-D oh no that sucks :O hope you're okay xox

Don't be sorry about your confusion with your sexuality, you never know, you could like girls. On a side note if you do like girls could you please forward me you photos. kthx

-.- I am not confused about my sexuality. I am straight.
Liked by: Riley


Language: English