
Caitlin Taylor

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thoughts on daniel?

He is honeslty amazing, he boyc. Been there to put up with my shit all through highschool and him and hewahd have always been the people who let me know when I'm being stupid/doing something stupid, its really good :-) Hes smart, funny, sporty, kind, etc hes so good to me and he has the nicest family ever :-) He is someone that you always have a good time with and can cheer you up when you're down. We have so many memories from the last three years. We've become pretty close over the years and I can't imagine highschool being fun without him being there. <3
Liked by: Kimberleigh Murray

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Do you like anyone? Do you have a boyfriend? favourite singer? favourite song at the moment? what kind of mood are you in right now? What time do you go to sleep? Anything you want for xmas?

I like everyone, people are great :-) Lol no. Taylor Swift. Don't really have one tbh. I'm so tired D: Recently like 2am. I just want to have a good time with the fams tbh I just want a good drama free day where everyone is happy <3

LOL i know because you always like my answers and you are friends with Anna and Janelle :)

Hahahah <3 they are amazing. Lol and cause of that pee guy xD

thoughts on kento?

Hes a good bloke, sporty, funny, smart. He has it all :P Hahah he still does really well even though he is mega lazy, its annoying -.- His group of friends are pretty damm amazing and they are the type of people you always have a good time with. He is boyyyyc <3 gotta love good old kento
Liked by: Kimberleigh Murray

Name? How old are you? nationaility? favourite colour? favourite movie? favourite food? favourite type of chocolate? Do you miss anyone right now? Do you hate anyone? What school do you go to? How is your relationship with your family? Where in west auckland do you live in?

Caitlin Maree Taylor :-) 16 years old. NZ. Purple! Um don't have one but I love The Last Song and The Vow. Kit-kats. Dairy Milk. Yes. Nope, I don't hate people. Rutherford College. A bit up and down. Henderson ^.^ how do you know I live in west auckland? lul :-)
Liked by: Kimberleigh Murray

If you could go back in time to talk to yourself, what would you say?

Don't let anyone get to you, prove them wrong.

Mission Bay is next Wednesday. :) Well we gotta get all of PP in there. c;

I have no idea how I am going to get there o_O

What is the most important lesson you’ve learned in life?

That shit happens, you just gotta learn to pick up the pieces and move on. Forgive and forget <3

If you could go on a roadtrip with any person, who would you choose and where would you go?

Any/all of the girls, it wouldn't matter where we went it would be amazing <3

What was the last YouTube video you saw?

I'm not sure what it was called but it had this guy in it who reminded me of hadley :P


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