
Caitlin Taylor

Ask @CaitTaylor

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If you could be invisible, what would you do?

I don't know, it sounds a bit creepy to be invisible o_O i'd probably play pranks on my friends cause I'm funny like that :P and it would be interesting to see what people say about me when I'm not around.. but then again I don't know if I actually wanna know what they say about me o_O

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Are you frightened or curious about the future?

bit of both, like I'm scared that I'll stuff something up but then again I'm curious to see what happens and where I go with my life.

if you could pick 1 guy and 1 girl be close with for the rest of your life who would it be?

Well thats an insanely hard question, how do you expect me to pick out of my bestfriends like that :P I can't pick one girl but I can pick one guy but I don't wanna name them sorry :-)

Worst injury you have had?

Um I've never really been that badly injured. Like my worst is probably getting hit in the head at hockey haha

Do you care what other people think of you?

Yeah, everyone does. Like you can pretend that you don't care as much as you like but deep down everyone cares what others think of them. Noone wants to be called names and stuff like that.

What are you up to this week?

I am going to sleep on monday and tuesday unless I get better plans and then my Aunty is coming to stay on Wed/Thurs/Fri so I'm going to hang with her for a bit cause shes cool :-) then saturday I think I'm off to the beach

Thought on Indi ;D

Shes the best story teller outttt :P Haha shes freaking awesome, I used to not really know her at all but then I met her through my AMAZING cornercrew girls and found out that shes really nice and friendly :-) She is like honestly the best singer :O like wow shes so good. Shes fun to be around and is super duper pretty :O and to top it all off she has an amazing personality <3

Thoughts on Janelle? ;D

She is amazing. Shes one of those people that everyone just loves because she is a beautiful person on the inside and on the out. Shes the type of person that you never hear anything bad said about and shes honestly one of the nicest people ever <3 Shes the type of person that you can rely on to be there for you no matter what and she always has the best advice. Shes just fantastic and I love her <3


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