
Grace (21 days)

Ask @Carmen4333

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Carmen!, Linds is going to make it up to dasie & that will ruin mine & Linds friendship up if she does that

Why? I can’t stop her from being friends with someone. Maybe she’ll work it out to where you both will be friends?

Which is worse: accidentally biting your tongue or burning the roof of your mouth?

Accidentally biting your burnt tongue

My wife stinks very bad and has no time to shower bc looking after newborn. I want to leave her I have attraction to another woman

Or maybe you could oh I don’t know help her out with the newborn so she can take one 🙄

Are you in a music club (band) ?

No. Never claimed to be. I used to to high school marching band/concert band. And used to do chorus

U wanna be a nurse too?!

No. I used to when I was smaller. I’d rather let others handle that. I know there’s no way I could. Not to mention, we have enough nurses in my family as is.


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