Just know I loved you. After all of this bs just go somewhere else I’m good.
Wow mk cool
How would you react if your significant other had an only fans account?
Break up with them
How long would u stay in a relationship if you weren’t receiving equal energy?
1 DAMN DAY if I ain't equal get da butt outa here.
u live near a fire station
So, I took a pregnancy test yesterday and it was negative. But Ive been having all the symptoms. Missed period, frequent having to pee, headaches, nauseous, feeling insanely tired, feeling super hungry or like everything I eat I’ll throw up, spotting for one day… etc. Was it too soon?
I'm not sure what to say but just sit down and chill.
Truth is I no longer love you. Keep your truth is, you ruined it by being scared. Oh well. I’m glad that you are KINDA over me. I’m seriously over you.