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If you were to run for a political position of your choice, and had to choose 3 positions as your primary concerns for a platform, what would they be and why?

JokerJr4458’s Profile PhotoAustin Anderson
Only 3 positions? I think that seems' so impossible to actually narrow down to but I can see why it would have to be a smaller number of concerns to run for. There are so many.

Since the concern for me is long-term sustainability, the future, effective AND efficient progress as opposed to more of the short-term, self-pleasurable, immediate exclusive goals, a number people may "hate" the positions I would choose and defend. People stuck in their comfortable realities, people unwilling to see past their own life. A lot of people who don't understand or listen to science -but they'll follow religious doctrine and popular cultural norms no problem- these may be the first people to ignore the positions. Which is alright.
It would be of no surprise.
Last I checked, church (or any religious place of worship) and state are separate in societies, such as the U.S., and so far, it's been an important principle to continue to have. Yet morality here in the U.S. is not overall consistent, and the lack of much needed principles guided by strong, valid, and sound premises are not absolving our deeply troublesome situations.

I'm not inferring that all non-religious/secular communities and individuals will suddenly be on board either. What I can say is that, if individuals and communities value (or can value) the truth, value being honest, being socially open, open-minded AND reasonably skeptical, seeing and SEEKING the evidence, and to focus on what we can perform to what we can execute, then there's really nothing we cannot solve as long as we have the resources, the knowledge, the back-bone in fulfilling the imperatives. Or at least the incredible means to make it so, and fast.

The positions I would strive to run for would be things that are the most detrimental and yet given the least amount and quality of attention in public, within the masses, in the common households, in typical businesses, in institutions, in schools, in governments. Even online for that matter.
What would be three primary concerns I would raise as political positions?
1) All factors of harmful convention and "tradition" to be scrutinized and reformed, e.g., harmful agendas for the planet's entire ecosphere and biosphere; including but not limited to natural habitats, wildlife, oceans, atmospheric conditions, air quality, non-harm/nonviolence to animals, animal liberation, sustainable practice and initiatives.
2) All major factors of social/societal dysfunction, e.g., the socio-culture, how we consider the health of individuals, families, communities and society all over. Prime focus on education systems, attitudes and methods of raising children, media/communication or any large systems and platforms that hold considerable amount of influence. Advocating for facts, truths, and relevant, valid judgements or viewpoints.
3) The applications of progress in policies, strong economies, innovation, advancing technology, science, R&D.

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Do you believe in fate?

Fate? Something like that. I believe in determined functions and processes within and all around us.. That is, as beings first, human beings second, natural objects and natural physically-bound phenomena occur for reasons directly or indirectly. We don't really have much control other than guiding our thought processes which ultimately effect our feelings, emotions and then to actions. Those actions affecting the next, and then consequences....you get the point? It's reasonable to see that things, individuals, events, possible situations are already determined physically (by an extent, due to the limited data we currently have and the insufficient methods of establishing an omnipresent-like sourcecode or processing system than can in some cases predict the future) by previous action or series of reactions from the past that effect today and will likely continue onwards.

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How do successful people differ from unsuccessful ones?

Well, successful and unsuccessful is a bit contrite and trivial if we all do not have the same or close interpretations, especially personal feelings about these two ways of being.
Ultimately, by common belief, successful people make more mistakes, but they're new mistakes, new experiences, new environments, new people, new opportunities. After awhile of new lessons and new areas in their life, greater rewards, risks, and responsibilities become available.
For the unsuccessful, it can be a stark contrast, repetition of the same old habits, continuous loop of poor behavior, thought processes and choices made whether conscious or not. Unsuccessful can be numbing or depressing, or frustrating or just absolutely fine.
At the end of day both routes are determined by desire, mind-sets, and actions made.
Neither one is necessarily more real and appropriate than the other.

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Liked by: Hunter Woolfe athena

Is the media evil or just miss understood and misused?

Is the media evil? Hmm...
Maybe some, maybe many.
"Evil" is quite a strong term, and when used in this context seems to come from a place of apprehension or paranoia.
Don't fret :)
The common media like Fox News and CNN is not out to be "evil". But some media groups with their practices and philosophies may be questionable for their grey areas.
Of course, underground, anonymous media online that produce content of real-life abuse, sexual abuse, torture, murder, perhaps those would be considered "evil".
The topic of "evil" can be elaborated more but if you are interested in more of my thoughts on this matter, feel free to respond back for more. : )

Things to do when you're bored: What would be the creepiest thing you could say while passing a stranger on the street?

If I had the opportunity to say something creepy to someone that I don't know while passing them on a public street somewhere, I'd might say something like (the creepiest thing I can think of right now), "Hey there, limited time offer...you wanna sign up to join me in my fallout bunker? You know a nuke come be here in an hour of any day. There's no negotiation with a place like North Korea. Should be prepared...I mean, who else around here can complete you when everything falls. Who knows we might have to repopulate as the only survivors. You seem pretty decent and sturdy, plus I've been watching for the past few months in these streets. You may not think that I know more than you think you know that you know yourself, but I do. Think about it. [handing a card with a an email address, takeourchances@live.com, and walking away into an ally]" If that's not creepy I don't know what.

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What's your favorite song?

RinMichaelis’s Profile PhotoRin Michaelis
Ah, that's impossible! How dare you put me in such a torture device?!
But seriously, no, I don't have a favorite song because there are a lot of niche genres, subgenres, artists with different songs/soundtracks that are so amazing in there own moments. It would not be possible for someone like myself who's pretty diverse in many things, music being one of them.

What are your favorite type of questions to be asked? Questions about your life? Ones that make you think? Just opinions?

Any question really. Well, obviously not useless questions, or any question that anyone could easily Google. Also, if I already answered a question before, I prefer not to repeat. Unique questions that are really specific helps a lot.

Do you want kids? I feel like my generation really does not want children anymore LOL

No offense, I think most peeps have kids because they didn't plan for it so they're usually held by moral and cultural obligations to either try their best, or even not really giving a fuck (emotionally, etc.) and just having "accessories" to their life.
And, to think anything other than having these kids is basically "evil".
That's dumb, choice is not evil.
If people have the intelligence, the patience, and the bank account, sure, maybe kids is nominally fine.
Which is less the half the world population.
Everyone is either a piece of shit all throughout out or they just unfortunately suck at parenting.

Do you think love fades away?

Oh, yeah. Big time. I have a theory that "love" is -at first- on the surface and motioned through nearly each one of our ideals. Even held by perspective, which obviously change over time. It is one out of the numerous constructs we subconsciously create to mitigate or compensate for the wonder, curiosity and clear desires with our environments. This love that's on the surface is bound to fade when we traverse new environments, develop as humans and learn from our errors, especially being honest in what we like and don't like.

Are you a good liar?

Maybe not so much.
I don't see much reasons to lie to anyone.
Being brutally honest, straight-forward (when possible), and still having decent intentions is more of my mode.
If had to lie, it would have to be small things or indirect things like not disclosing matters with others in order to -temporarily- protect the situations confidentiality.

Is the world getting better or worse?

Ah, great question!
What do you think?
I think in general the world is getting better; in some regards.
It really depends on where we're looking at, usually very specific.
Obviously, when it comes to social progress, humanitarian values, ethics, foreign affairs and policy, public health, we have barely gotten to a stable place. Maybe in another 10 years, maybe even 30 to 50. It's all a matter of when. Or never.
On the contrary, technology, science, business (the good ones), socioeconomic opportunities, general options (food, shopping, etc.), lifestyles, cultures, social acceptance (such as LGBTQ+); all of these have gotten better in the world.
But again, this more exclusive in developed regions. Can't say the same for all current developing and underdeveloped areas.

What's easy to understand but hard to accept?

If I didn't know any better, I could see this as a neat riddle :)
I'd say what's easy to understand but hard to actually accept is that fact that there is no longer (if there ever was) true, absolute originality. Basically, we all can grasp the actuality of limits nature and ourselves continue to reinflate and multiply.
Every thought one attends to, every feeling grasped through moments, every emotion experienced, every sight seen, every general event; it's a recurring cycle.
Nothing comes completely "new" in this world. There's usually rendition after rendition, iteration after iteration. Rehash, recopy, repeat, retell. And, it's perfectly fine. But to object to seeing beyond tunneling our ideals and egos into trying to own the full credit and saying, "Ah-ha! This is the one and only", I just find that kind of funny and amusing.
Whether it's writing a book, producing a film, video, "creating" something like a website, an app, making an exquisite full course meal, a music piece, building or constructing something "like never before", or finding something "like no other", or even when people say "they're the only one that can make me [fill in the blank]. It's nothing to consolidate over as if it's the very first and only ever possible thing or option.
The known now, anything happening now or to come is not 100% original. Not even 75%. We are encased in conversions and transfers of energies, genetic material and social/ cultural influences that not a single being owns, much less even controls.
We can come to understand that we change up barely anything in a short amount of time, but to accept that entirely and as a society, that's a different, unsurprising story.

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Liked by: Aya Atef

What is the most important thing in life?

The most important thing in life? Great question!
Moving the body as much as possible, retaining youth as much as possible, being socially younger than legal age or more mature than one's age (if your legally 20 you cognitively think more like 40-50-year-olds, vice versa; mentally mature, socially youthful but you don't have to feel, behave or act as such). In addition, taking care of the body and mind through what we fuel them; eat those fruits, nuts, seeds, legumes, roots, leafy greens, herbs, spices, and vegetables!
Learning new things, trying new things, learning from our ignorance and self-centered over-eagerness, GO SLOW, go through proper progressions, NO RUSH, NO unnecessary pressure. Have or find our "why's", maybe "passion", or what we desire the most, goals perhaps, even "purpose".
Doing what we can to lessen our carbon footprint; less car usage, more car-sharing, choosing more sustainable brands, companies, products, etc.
Listening to opinions and solid FACTS!
Just DOING IT (from a positive place) when we get caught up in over thinking and over-analysis of situations.
Being skeptical, not easily fooled or siding with bias or even untrue things, but also having more of an open mind to everyone/everything, being a lot less judgemental, more open in the "heart" (if any left), open-mindedness for one's self, open arms to concepts and other beings, and especially OPEN EYES for the literal things around us and inside all of us.

Now I think that basically covers what's most important in life!
It's not just one thing or just a few simple things; that's if one seeks more from the conventional living and lifestyles.
As you see, it can be a lot on their own, but every day, and every day of keeping the track and habits align, it's much easier. We may fall off course once in awhile, the key is to get the hell up, and do what you say, do what you want, do what is less harmful, and more of care. Or something like that.

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Do you think you're hot?

I'm not sure I myself or other individuals can truly answer that. To be "hot" carries a few interpretations we all can not hold accurately enough to judge ourselves on. However, others -excluding our own selves- would be able to make that call and to say whether or not this or that individual is "hot or not". I think it boils down to basic attraction, maybe more instinctual, yet also socially concerned. We confirm "hotness" from the general attitudes of society or social environment. To be "hot" seems more colloquial. "Hotness", as I see may involve more than basic attraction like body form and shape. It may just well include how clothes fit on someone, their scent, appearance of health and youth, hair style, grooming, colors that someone is wearing. Things like that. Which this is NOT be confused or conflated with "sexy", which is more of an attitude, persona, and way of action and behavior that is held and regulated by specific cultural aesthetics of a society; how one walks, posture, eye movement, body and face expressions, and the quality of an individuals communication. In conclusion, do I think I am hot? I have no idea. I leave that up to others (strangers; they're very honest) to decide that.

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How are you doing today?

Ah, it's been awhile😊 Thank you for reaching out to me. How are YOU!?? For me, got up this morning around 8am, but I can't tell if I slept at all. I remember laying awake since midnight to about 2am and now that I'm up just wondering why I couldn't simply fall asleep like I usually do. It probably has to do with being on Instagram for too long while killing my legs through some stretches. Must of got me pumped! Or maybe just thoughts finally breaking through. Anyways, besides all of that I feel rested still, a bit sore from yesterday's workout and the long walk before bed.😅 Now, time to figure out what's for breakfast, and maybe start filtering through dozens of questions from the last few weeks here on Ask.fm. I want my laptop back so much, aarrgghhhhhaaah! 😅😁
Liked by: Izale

Do you believe in ghosts 👻 ? Have you ever seen one or felt it's presence?

Back when I was 10-13 years old I was in the whole Ghost Hunters and paranormal investigation scene. That was pretty interesting since I was so young and had already a stance on religion and the supernatural but I couldn't quite shake the paranormal aspects yet.
It sounded (at the time) like in between agnosticism and theism but more agnostic because of the whole spiel of "science" and using "specialized equipment", recording devices and what have you really got me.
So, do I believe in ghost as a 23-year-old?
Not so much. Not really.
Perhaps energy, and bizarre, rare occurrences and anomalies that can be analyzed through actual hard science, sure.
But naked-eye ghosts and spirits, no. Clear sounds of activity that anyone/everyone can perceive, no.
If there is, then it may have to do with some unexplained phenomenon, which is where I still enjoy to read, hear and watch on. That's less 1-2% of the cases.

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