

hey :) I just want to say that all your videos are amazing. I adore every your job, you are so talented ♥ I'm so thankful you for beautiful Olicity and Steroline! It is my favourite couples and your videos make me happy:3 I wish you SO MUCH success in your life and inspiration in your hobby!!! :)

OH MY GOD. You are so sweet jeeeez. Thank you soooo much ♥ you just made my day. Thank you! ♥
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Latest answers from KristinaOrtutova

Have you seen Jessica Jones yet? Are going to make video with this tv show?

Not yet, but I think I'll give it a chance soon and then we'll see :)

Do you speak russian? Or understand? Your name and last name, I think, russian. And you look like russian girl. You are not russian?

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