

can you list favorite videos of people who were your inspiration when you were a beginner?

oh jeeeez ... okay, let's give it a try.
Back in time I've been watching this vid by my dearest ♥ like everyday
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZiE75pRw0JwChristinaMercury’s Video 124049497183 ZiE75pRw0Jw
this one broke me
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VhaWIBI0Cr0ChristinaMercury’s Video 124049497183 VhaWIBI0Cr0
I miss her videos so much </3
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1YCt8LTFKQChristinaMercury’s Video 124049497183 -1YCt8LTFKQ
I remember how this video made an emotional mess of me.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkbWpoNTtpEChristinaMercury’s Video 124049497183 KkbWpoNTtpE
I could post an entire list of videos that inspired, actually they still do but I think these are enough for now :)
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Latest answers from KristinaOrtutova

Have you seen Jessica Jones yet? Are going to make video with this tv show?

Not yet, but I think I'll give it a chance soon and then we'll see :)

Do you speak russian? Or understand? Your name and last name, I think, russian. And you look like russian girl. You are not russian?

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