

Ask @ChrysanthemumOW

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What do you really love to do? Do you do it often? If you answer no, why not?

I love to cycle. I did it more freq back then, but I'm starting to get back to it like I used to. It's so much fun to see beautiful sceneries as you cycle to the beach. You get the workout and you don't feel as tired if you ran.

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10/10: I have a lot of new people on my list and want to know more about everybody. Listen 5 facts about yourself

Spam Account
1. I played the piano for 10 years.
2. I learned Korean by myself & also learned to read in Vietnamese by myself.
3. I love KPOP/KDramas.
4. I speak 4 different languages.
5. I am Republican and my views are pretty strong compared to other people.

3/10: What are some of your unpopular opinions?

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Trump should be president, but the majority will be like no. I can understand since Trump is very fierce and rash about his statements, but as a leader, he would be able to fix America. I don't think it is a good idea to let a Socialist run our country after what Obama has done to screw our country up. Like seriously, he is about to make our country like third world now? I don't see why so many like Bernie as I am against Socialist views. Obama has said so much that he promised us he would do, but never happened. I'm not sure if Bernie is the same so yeah.
Liked by: Spam Account

Hello there! If you would like to included in the forumer list for old/new/active/inactive/banned/unbanned forumers alike, send a question with your oW username to this account (@forumerencyclopedia)! Ruby~ :>

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I did c:
Liked by: Trish Ruby

Question Spam! What came first, the chicken or the egg?

forumer friend
I'd say the chicken because where would the egg be if the chicken didn't come first? Before I would always say the egg though.
Liked by: Todd

What is something you like to do on your days off/weekends?

Um League or go to the beach and have dinner with my parents or eat at my gramdma's house. ?
Liked by: Todd

What made you start liking the person you like right now?

His personality is what makes me love him more each and every day. Also the patience he spends when I struggled with my depression and he went through all of that with me despite our distance???

Trump or feeling the Bern?

I know sometimes Trump is too much, but imo we need Trump to be able to get back on our feet and America to be safe from doing worse.

5/10: If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?

Spam Account
End the wars that we currently had have and perhaps it still is going on. Why cause a war when we don't need it? We need peace, but of course life can't be peaceful like we would want it. Also ending abortions would be nice. It is so wrong for people to do.. Why are you killing a child of your own who has yet to be born and explore the beautiful world..
Liked by: Todd Spam Account

4/10: If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?

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Korea- I wanna taste some of the authentic korean foods & maybe see my favorite actors/actresses/singers. I would definitely want to visit Jeju Island.
Italy- Again, I want to visit and taste the authentic Italian food. Secondly, the sceneries that is in Italy is really beautiful? I would learn more bout their culture and their living.
Liked by: Todd Spam Account


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