

Ask @ChrysanthemumOW

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9/10: "What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger." Do you agree or disagree with this? I've heard it said a lot, but not everybody agrees with this.

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I agree with this because you got to endure certain pain to be able to get through life. Life is full of obstacles you have to overcome and therefore if it doesn't kill you does make you a stronger person!
Liked by: Spam Account

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8/10: What is the weather like where you are at? I've been loving this North Carolina weather!

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☔ It's been rainy for a few days. ☔ ☁ Or it is just really cloudy ☁
Liked by: Iakovia

7/10: What is the last goal you set that you worked and achieved?

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Finally taking my written test for driving because I was afraid I would fail... but I faced my fears and went ahead to take it. I didn't pass which makes me feel awful because this isn't really me, but I shall never give up whatsoever.
Liked by: Iakovia

6/10: What is your opinion on the public school system?

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I personally think it is great simply because schools shouldn't be costly at all. Well the public system does have its own flaws, but without it the majority of low income people won't be able to have a chance to get education. That would definitely hurt society a lot. In my opinion I see more pros than cons with the public school system.
Liked by: Aevi!

5/10: Have you ever gone out of your way to help somebody you don't don't know? If so, what did you do?

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I have actually. It is to help the homeless people at this shelter where I get to improve my communication skills for my major and also learn so much more from interacting with different kinds of people. Our leader would set us to have talk sessions with a few person in the shelter and the week after that person has talked would be rotated for a group the next week. This is where we come up with a plan for an activity during the week at school to present on our next meet up. I did friendship bracelets that had tied up with the meaning and importance of patience. The people enjoyed it a lot and many did benefit from that idea I came up with.

4/10: Are you in a relationship? If so, describe your partner. If not, what do you look for in a parter?

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Yes, he might not be too handsome or cute to others, but if he is to me then it is all that matters right? After all he is mine not anyone else's to steal from. He's the perfect bf one can ever ask. Not once has he abandoned me for treating him poorly during the hardships I went through which changed a lot of my personality as a person. He's a very dignified and is a true bf. He respects my decisions and his goal is always to make me happy no matter what. If it takes a lot of effort, he will make it at all cost to make it happen. He is also such an honest person to me. I am super thankful to have met someone like him. He accepts me for my flaws and doesn't find it a bad thing at all.

3/10: If you have kids, what is your favorite thing about being a parent? If not, would you like to have kids in the future?

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Time will determine if I want a child or not!

Where would you like to travel to next? What kind of holidays do you like? Do you like to go sight-seeing or do you prefer to chill on the beach?

I would love to travel to Italy/Korea. My favorite holidays are New Years, Chinese New Year, & Christmas. Although, I am not Christian or Catholic, I just LOVE the holiday because it is just so pretty when houses and trees are decorated and filled with lights? I actually like both so it would be hard to choose one of them, but each are fun in its own way c:
Liked by: Ruby

What is your ideal meal, do you like starters or would you skip straight to the main course? And what would you have for dessert?

I love starters, but sometimes my parents doesn't like to order it. Nowadays we order it more frequently. As on a daily basis for dinner, we usually go to the main course and have no starters if we eat at home. For dessert, it can vary, but most of the time it is fruits ????
Liked by: Ruby

What would be the easiest way to win your heart??

Your personality will let me love/like/hate you. To earn my heart, I need to be able to trust you and also need to be compassionate as well.
Liked by: Ruby

You got a ticket to Paris. You can take take 3 people with you. Who would you take?

My bf, mom, & aunt

I've been having a relax day today! How is your day going? What have you done so far? (Sending out spam later. It won't have a theme. 10 questions)

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My day has been overall okay. I was playing League and was duoing with friend in ranked. I did some chores and now I am going to have dinner at this Viet restaurant c:
Liked by: Spam Account

School spam 4/5: What is your favorite school subject? Why is it your favorite?

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Science and psychology because learning about our human body and what makes us who we are while psychology why we are the way we are, how we think, etc.
Liked by: Spam Account


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