

Ask @ChrysanthemumOW

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School spam 3/5: Did/do you enjoy the high school you attending/currently attend?

Spam Account
I'm currently a first year college student, but as for my recent HS I attended contained many great memories, both bad & good.
Liked by: Spam Account

What's one thing people usuallx don't know about you?

I can eat anything, up to the most undesired/unliked veggies like bittermelon

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Book spam 3/3: Do you remember any books you had to read in school? My favorite was Of Mice and Men.

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Yes, among them were Pride & Prejudice, Siddhartha, Lord of the Flies, Fahrenheit 451, Never Cry Wolf, Slaughterhause 5, The Diary of Anne Franke, 1985, In Cold Blood
Liked by: Marisa

Book spam 1/3: Do you like to read? If so, what do you like best about it?

Spam Account
Yes, and what I like most about it is your knowledge will grow and the more you will know!
Liked by: Marisa

Would you ever let your parents pick out a partner for you?

Nope. It wouldn't be fair because that isn't who I even really know or love. It will only lead to a really bad result in the end. Nobody will be happy.
Liked by: Marisa

How would you describe yourself?

I'm honest and really easy going. I always try my very best in everything and never give up. I'm determined to always succeed.
Liked by: Marisa

Who on OurWorld do you trust the most?

Um there's not too many people you can trust on there after a while. ourWorld didn't change, but the people on there did. Nobody implemented the trading system for people to get rich.. but in my opinion trading is to get what you want. One of the things I hate about people is they are after rich items just because it makes them rich... not necessarily because they actually like them. What is the point of trading then if you trade for shit you don't really like, but you want it so that it shows your worth when you talk it with your friends. Nobody cares and nobody will. It is virtual too. As to answer this question there aren't very many I consider close with. The list is around 15 or under so it's limited.
Liked by: Marisa Aevi!

Who you don't want to ever make angry?

Well, I wouldn't want to make anyone angry tbh so... Don't start things that you don't want to happen to you?
Liked by: Aevi!

Social media spam 4/5: Do you use Twitter? If so what do you use it for? I know a lot of people vent on there.

Spam Account
Nope I don't want to drown myself in the world of social media too much and don't really get the significance of twitter though. Like some even post when they went to the bathroom, when they ate something and tbh nobody cares, lol.
Liked by: Spam Account

Social media spam 3/5: How long have you used ask? What do you like and dislike about it?

Spam Account
A few weeks ago tbh, and I kinda dislike the color like most people do. I missed the old blue and what's with not unliking things at times?
Liked by: Spam Account

Social media spam 2/5: Do you use Instagram? If so, how many followers do you have?

Spam Account
I do, but I don't go on it much ever since depression came back.. I haven't deleted the acct, but I might think of making a new acct. Idk yet honestly, but I have like 2.3k followers on there. It's dropping daily due to me not being on it anymore, but wasn't interested to go back after my depression got better.
Liked by: Spam Account Todd

Social media spam 1/5 : Do you use Facebook? If so, how many friends do you have on there?

Spam Account
Nope, had one in 9th grade deactivated by end of the year of my 9th grade. Thought it wasn't really needed and I don't like it.
Liked by: Todd Spam Account

How do you learn best: by listening, watching, reading or doing?

Doing because with more practice comes perfection right?
Liked by: Todd

What's your favourite thing to do in your free time and why?

League of Legends because my bf plays it and so we always would as a way to spend time with each other other than being on the phone with him & skype whatnot. He always wants me to be fed and gets me fed to his ability. It's fun c:
Liked by: Todd Emilyy ❤️


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