What is the most delicious berry? August 29, 2013 raspberry Liked by: Stynka :3 christina_bock Stephen Todaro P eman ayoob nam tran Notruell Touchpadnm Koolkidkathryn
If you had to choose a type of color that you thought represented yourself, which would it be? June 19, 2013 blue
What kind of pet would you like to have in the future? June 15, 2013 a snake, a dog, a sphynx cat and a turtle
Do you like farts under the shower?? XD June 15, 2013 Yess then they are so wett ;3 Liked by: †Micha†
if you'd ever go to oss,,, would you take a micha with you ? ifso,,, PLEASE COME AND TAKE HER WITRH YOU D'; June 14, 2013 I'll carry the Micha on my back and throw it to you ;3 Liked by: †Micha† Martin de Groot