
colin powers

Ask @Colin79thecat

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Are you a dog person or a cat person? 🐶🐱

agirlwhowishes’s Profile PhotoDreamer Girl
I like dogs even though there w little bit more work you need to do with them cat's can usally take care of them self other than clean there littler box and feed them if there indoor cat but out door cat can hut food if needed to

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Why would you stay in a relationship if you aren't happy ?

You shouldn't have to if your not happy in it why toutore you're self like that you don't need the mental and emotional damage that can do to you

What’s your go to hot drink? Tea, cocoa, coffee or something else?

For hot go with hit chocolate and any sweet for cold

Would you ever take back someone who cheated?

MaryJane214’s Profile PhotoMary Jane
Well I cheated on my ex and then she cheated on me I was veirtueral andy ex was touched another guy but cheating is cheating no matter how you look at it but I would give a second chance

Do you feel happy when your birthday is coming?

Yes but don't like getting older but I'm only 26 so can't say I'm getting old but my body feels older than that


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