

Latest answers from Venelia

Thoughts on people who constantly post about how they are single on Instagram

Then why don't they change that if they are tired of being single? Complaining, whining and begging on social media won't get you a lover. Maybe they should work on themselves before diving in the dating pool.

Do you use snapchat? If so, how long is the longest streak you've had with someone? đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„

I haven't been able to use my snapchat in a long time due to my phone being smashed.

We have an app in Sweden called "Swish" that allows us to transfer money to friends, no matter what bank they use. Just by knowing their phone number. Like if you're out eating and you order together with a friend you can say "I'll swish you". Thoughts? You have anything similar to that? đŸ€”đŸ˜

I think facebook lets you do that too. Same with Paypal? Interesting though.

Is Halloween a pagan holiday?

Halloween originated from the Celtic holiday known as Samhain because in that tradition, it was nearing the end of the year and start of the beginning since for them, the new year began November 1st. During this, the Celtics dressed up to ward off spirits due to the veil between our world and the afterlife creating a gap for them to enter our world. Before it came to America, it was deemed All Saints Day and soon evolved into the festive holiday we know and love today.

Would you ever be friends with people who have different views to you?

I mean... most of my friends and I have conflicting political views so...

Post the last screenshot you took?

Please don't judge me. Lol Ai was pulling a baby moment and I had to screenshot it.
@OhNoValiso would say something like this I swear to God.
Post the last screenshot you took

If you could pack up right now and leave, Where would you go?

I'd love go to Italy... provided my beautiful girlfriend @OhNoValiso is allowed to come with me of course.

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