

Ask @CookieRockstar3

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If i send you my number through a question,, will you text me, dont answer though .. its amber btw xx

ahaa yeah, sure:L xx

ahh i hate that! .. and I keep getting asked to send topless pics! .. its like, go away! .. i dont even have big boobs, why do they want that ...xxx

ahaa i know right! im just always like 'no.' and they shut up:') ahaa same really, its because they're perverts:L xx

My names amber honeyyy, thats alll im saying though :') .. i know right, can be such a pervy site! lol ...'oo whats your bra size' .. do one! haha xx

ahaa fair enough:') and omg. its when people ask me what positions and someone the other day asked me for 69... -___- xx

I am a girl btw .. dont know if your bothered by my top questions ha .. im just intreged x

ahaa i guessed :') who are you?:3 and i dont mind, ive had worse on here before -.- x

i tend to keep mine on ha ... more comfortable! :D x

ahaa, i only take it off if the guy wants it off or if im too hot:L x

when having sex would you keep bra and top on or just get naked?

sometimes naked sometimes just bra sometimes bra and top. its pretty much always different

Ohh i see, america! .. awh babe:( .. and he's back for 2 weeks soon :D .. then goes back out for 2/3 months :( ... x

awh, atleast you can have him around and stuffs, enjoy it while it lasts! x

You must be so proud of your dad! .. my dads out in afghanistan too, he's a sniper with the royal marines, miss him so much! .. chin up babe! .. he'll be okaaay! x

i am :') but he doesnt go out to fight anymore,he's a sargent and he used to go out to fight when i was like 7-13 years, he's moving to america soon though D; its horrible, awh, i hope hes alright! i'm sure he'll be back soon though! x

Apprently I can ask you anything.....so I ask you this. Can I Eat You Out Whole? Just a mere suggestion.

erm. why would you eat me out whole. no. you cant, who the hell is this?


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